View Full Version : Render Images

2009-11-14, 10:41 PM
Hi all,

Revit driving me insane again...

I am simply trying to adjust some materials so that they render how I'd like.

I have added a bump for one which is located in the 'Materials' folder, all the other materials are Revit's own and in their normal locations in the various folders in the Materials folder.

When I go to render my project I get the error 'cannot find render image - xyz'

So I'll go and make sure it is set right and try again...

This time something else can't be found... So I fix that...

Everytime I make sure one of my materials is set right and the image is correct, it seems to reset the others so they can't find the image they need.

It's just going round in circles. WHY?!

This should be simple... Why does Revit have to make it such hard work? Again...

Any help would be great. I'm hoping there is a simple fix...


cliff collins
2009-11-16, 03:01 PM
Under Options>Rendering> Additional Render Appearance Paths
set the path for Revit to "find" your "missing" materials.

does this help?

2009-11-18, 09:34 AM
Nice work Cliff !

Why did it need this though???

Surely just having the parent folder is enough because that is all it ever needs normally...

cliff collins
2009-11-18, 02:17 PM
That is just how the program is designed to work--- setting a "default" path for materials,
and then the user can specifiy additional "custom" paths.
