View Full Version : Window not flexing correctly in project

2009-11-17, 08:28 PM
Hello, I'm creating a window opening (started off with generic model wall based template) that shows header, sills, and detail components when cut in section. I set up parameters for the header height (ref level to bottom of header), opening width, opening height, and sill height (ref level to top of sill). Everything flexes good within the family. The one problem I have is when I load it into a project and try to change the type of the window to a different type (from 3'-6"x3'-6"xHH7'-10" to a 4'-6"x4'-6"xHH8'-0" (HH stands for header height) , revit disregard where my header is located. (Example: within my family, header parameter is set to 7'-10", but when I change it inside the project to show the header at 8'-0", revit makes the change and puts my header at a different height than 8'-0".

So within my project, the only way to get the header to show at the correct spot, I have to click the window opening, element properties, and under constraints, change the sill height to equal (Header Height minus Opening Width minus Sill Depth).

So my question is, Is there a way for revit to automatically show my header at the correct elevation when changing to a different window type? I don't want to change the sill constraints everytime I make a change to a window type. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

2009-11-18, 01:53 PM
can you post the family?

2009-11-18, 07:22 PM
Here is the window family. Thanks for the help

2009-11-19, 03:12 PM
I deleted the sill constraint and made the reference plane hosting the header and top of opening to be the parameter that drives the vertical placement of the opening within the wall. I hope this is what you were after.

2009-11-19, 06:35 PM
Thanks for taking a look at the family. Really appreciate it, but I can't seem to open the file in Revit Structure 2009. When I try to open the file, it says that the file was saved in a later version of Revit and cannot be retrieved in this version.

Can you post a jpeg of gif file of the placement side, so I can see what you did?

If I'm correct you deleted the Sill Height Parameter and added a parameter that goes from the Ref. Level to the Ref. Plane at the bottom of the Header?

Thanks for the help.

2009-11-19, 07:56 PM
Sorry about that I should have asked. Try this one.

Yes, you've already got a parameter in the family called "Height" just use that from the Ref. Level to the Ref. Plane at the bottom of the header and delete the dimension constraining the Sill Height.

2009-11-19, 09:10 PM
Its okay. Thanks.

Have you tried bringing this family into a project and insterting it into a wall. I loaded your family and still have the same problem when I change the type to a different type. (Header is placed at a different elevation than what I show in my family) Can you take a look at this, so you can see what I'm talking about. Thanks for the help.

2009-11-20, 08:51 PM
I added a reference plane and aligned and locked it to the reference level. I deleted the dimension for Height and re-dimensioned starting with the reference plane (at the reference level) and then selected the reference plane at your head height. I loaded it into a blank project and seems to be working for me so please try it.

Revit will "flex" an object in the order the dimension was placed. For instance, the second pick for your dimension wants to be the direction the object "flexes" in a family. In this family you want to select the reference level then the head of the opening. This way when the parameter changes it will become larger or smaller from the reference level as a starting point.

One other thing to keep in mind is when placing the window in a plan view make sure your work plane is set to the correct level you need. If your work plane was set higher it might throw your window height off.

2009-11-20, 08:58 PM
Of course uploaded the correct family file might help you out. Opps! Try this one.

2009-11-24, 07:36 PM
Thanks d.altman and Crosseyed, you guys been great help for me. I tested the family and the family works great. Thanks alot.D.altman your tips are great also. I will keep that in mind the next time I create a family. Thanks alot really appreciate the help.