View Full Version : Windows XP AutoCAD 2010 and Win XP Pro SP3

2009-11-18, 05:01 PM
Is anyone else having problems with AutoCAD 2010 after upgrading from Win XP Pro SP2 to SP3?

I had been using AutoCAD 2010 since it came out in March on XP SP2 with no problems and now withing the last 4 - 6 weeks, maybe 8 weeks I am having alot of problem with AutoCAD 2010. If I open 4-5 2D drawings at a time and work on them for a couple of hours and then try and print them I get "Out of Resources" errors and have to restart AutoCAD. If I work on 3D drawings I can only have 1 file open and if I do to much to it I start to get memory issues (things not refreshing, not being able to see parts of my model, etc.).

These problems are all new. Before I would be able to ahve 6-8 2D drawings open, work on them and print them with no problems. As far as 3D drawigns I could at least have one open with a 2D drawing open also and do what I needed to.

IT has each computer set for windows to autoupdate, and after the update to SP3 they installed 2 more GB or RAM for me for a total of 4 GB, however, when you Right Click on My Computer and go to properties it only displays 3.25 GB of RAM.

Computer: Dell Precision 690, Intel Xeon 5160 @ 3.00 GHz with 3.25 GB or RAM; ATI FireGL v7200 graphics card.


2009-11-19, 10:34 AM
they installed 2 more GB of RAM for me for a total of 4 GB, however, when you Right Click on My Computer and go to properties it only displays 3.25 GB of RAM.

That's as much as you will ever see with a 32-bit OS (mine only shows 2.9 Gb with WinXP).
If IT will consider changing to a 64-bit system persuade them to go for Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate.