View Full Version : slab-on-grade with gravel and thickened slab edge joining

2009-11-19, 03:48 PM
How are people dealing with a slab-on-grade and thickened slab edge? I've created a slab-on-grade floor type that includes the gravel layer. When I apply a thickened edge it gets placed below the gravel (i.e. not connected to the concrete.) So I offset the slab edge, but now the gravel shows through it...
So, then I edit cut profile of the gravel layer, and now it shows a line between the bottom of the concrete slab and top of slab edge. Overriding the linework won't make the line go away either.
So, I ask again, how do you do this? I'd prefer not to have to use a filled region for the gravel and make that for every section. I guess that I could maybe use a detail component for the slab edge that has an opaque filled region and place that in all my sections...? Which would still show the line at the bottom of the the slab. The way I've done it in the past is similar to this method but was time consuming and felt more like CAD and wouldn't adjust with the walls and floors as the model changed.

Ummm...nevermind...If I do those steps...move slab edge, cut profile, and then join the slab edge to the slab, then it works... Could swear it didn't work before. Maybe this issue I've had in the past it showing the gravel under the slab edge...
Anyone created a slab edge that also shows the gravel underneath?

2009-11-20, 01:02 AM
Hi. You could try adding second profile with a gravel hatch pattern. Seems like a lot of work though...Or you could do it as an in place sweep with two different objects with different materials. Still a hassle though.
Best regards,

2009-11-20, 01:38 AM
This is not the answer, but the way I wish it worked is that your gravel layer should really be your pad using the site tools. Your slab edge would then overlap the pad, but it should show in front of the pad. Right now, we have issues where the slab takes a visual priority to the walls, footings, slabs, etc. which I think is wrong.

2009-11-20, 01:39 AM
I just make the gravel a seperate floor underneath the Slab. Its not the most BIM approach, but the floor is the floor, and way too many things interact with it. The Gravel being part of it would irritate the heck out of me...

2009-11-20, 01:50 PM
Ditto - conc. slab is a floor, gravel layer is a floor. If there is topography, I create a 1/8" thick pad and place that below the gravel layer. Gravel layer edges are offset from the conc. slab floor, usually about 12" inside the slab edge boundary. Then I do a thickened slab edge on the conc. slab (joins automatically if the same material), and then just join geometry between the slab edge and the gravel layer. Cleans up nicely, displays correctly in every section view, and I don't have to mess with it anymore... unless the slab changes shape, of course.

2009-11-23, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the thoughts and techniques! I'll look into it some more. I was hoping that there was some magic "one-click-wonder" technique since the majority of the time for a slab on grade you'll have some sort of gravel layer below and a thickened edge, so it'd be nice to accomplish it in as few steps as possible.