View Full Version : HELP!!!!!! Earthwork Control

2009-11-23, 12:52 PM
When earthwork movement has been processed and we wish to calculate another phase of movement that follows the last phase (Ex: A partial cut in a cross section and another process cut or a fill of the complete cross section), Auto Cad Civil 3D doesn’t recognize the Actual surface to obtain the current cut or fill volume.
For this to be done, we have to merge surfaces from different earthwork phases (Ex: Phase 1, which could be a cut, and phase 2 that could be a fill for the sub base).
And if the Project needs a lot of earth movement (Ex: In different areas in a cross section), we have to merge a surface for each part of the project, what results very annoying and unpractical.

In other programs, like Eagle Point, it recognizes the Actual surface automatically, what results great and very practical to calculate the volume in cubic meters (To Cube, or to make Requisitions).

We have tried every possible way to make Civil 3D emulate the same command that other programs facilitate to calculate earthwork movements in different phases of a project, but we still haven’t came across with any practical conclusions.
Is there any way to do this earthwork calculation (or we can call it Earthwork Calculation Phase by Cross Sections) in Civil 3D, other than Merging surfaces (That’s not practical at all).

I hope to hear from you guys soon, I waiting for this to complete a project….

Franklin F. Alvarez D.

(((Here is a little sketch foor you guys to understand better.....)))

2009-11-23, 03:03 PM
Out of curiosity, why is it not practical to merge surfaces? Here's the approach I would take.

Phase 1) Do you what you do. When you are done, create a new surface and paste your existing ground into it and then your phase 1 surface. Call it something like PHASE 2 EG (this is what the ground looks like when beginning phase 2).

Phase 2) Do exactly what you did in phase 1 but use the PHASE 2 EG instead of the existing ground. Create a new surface and paste the existing ground into it and then the phase 2 surface. Call it something like PHASE 3 EG.

Phase X) Repeat as necessary.

This can even be done across multiple drawings using data references.

2009-11-23, 10:23 PM
Hi Brian,
Thanks for a fast response...
Well, I say that its not practical because I used to work with Eagle Point, and there I used "Actual Surface". This updated the EG for every earthwork (Cut or fill), and a big difference is that I could export and import the cross section data after editing for future comparasion with contractors and so on.

Actually, we have considered the same way you told me here. I just want to know the best way to calculate this in Civil 3D 2010.

Another quick question, How can I get a report for the Cross Sections in this style STATION--OFFSET--ELEVATION of the edited surface (we edited the surface after we change from dynamic mode to static mode) ???

I hope to hear from you soon...
Thanks Brian