View Full Version : New Forums?

2004-11-19, 10:35 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen -

There are several forums here that don't see much "action" and others that get a great deal of action (general comes to mind). It has been proposed that we rethink some of the lesser used sites i.e. testing and create new forums like a Tutorials or FAQ's

2004-11-19, 03:32 PM
a Tutorial forum seems very usefull!!!
Not all of us are champions using all the Revit's possibilities.

Wes Macaulay
2004-11-19, 03:48 PM
Hummm.... the categories we have set up right now make pretty good sense IMHO. There's still a need for the other categories even if they get few posts.

Again, only IMHO.

Dean Camlin
2004-11-19, 09:49 PM
Well, I know that there are many forums (fora?) I almost never visit. But it's not due to lack of interest: it's because I don't have the time. Honestly, I don't see how some of you (and you know who you are) get any productive work done. I'm one of those who often just dip my big toe into the General forum to find out the latest news, then get back to work. In fact, that's where I'm off to right now. See ya!

2004-11-19, 09:50 PM
I've suggested an FAQ forum in the past for those thread that seem to get referred to the most from other threads or those topics the moderators deem as issues lots of users run into.

2004-11-19, 09:56 PM
I certainly think it would be good to have a dedicated Tutorials Forum. Simply by having a special area for these could generate more activity, not to mention making them more accessible, easier to find etc.

I'm also keen on a FAQ Forum for those Revit questions that come up again and again and ... ( can you think of any ? )

One of the Revits forums that we could " recycle" would be the Testing forum. There are other forums in AUGI that serve that purpose.

2004-11-19, 10:06 PM
Awhile back Leonid suggested we archive the Announcement and Suggestions forums since they are locked anyway and put them in a parent category called Zoogdesign archived forums. This is a good idea.

A FAQ and Tutorial forum are fine ideas.

We have also started a discussion to consider a forum for 3rd party development ideas and research in light of recent posts of this sort (not advertising). I agree with others that this will be more and more relevant as Revit reaches more users and particularly in light of the recent revelation of an API being available soon (Cadalyst review of Revit 7).

I'm all for it...let's see if we can get this stuff done!

Scott D Davis
2004-11-19, 11:24 PM
I think we should have a Revit News forum, for announcements concerning Revit. This could be links to Autodesk press, or to other websites where news about Revit has been published....cadence, cadalyst, etc....

Maybe this forum is a moderator-posted forum only. (no responses....)

Scott Hopkins
2004-11-20, 12:31 AM
I think we ought to do something about the proliferation of stickys! The are multiplying like rabbits!

2004-11-20, 01:08 AM
...the proliferation [of] stickys!...Quite right! Just cleaned that up a bunch...it's better...

2004-11-20, 02:13 AM
Tutorials and FAQ's get my nod.

Marek Brandstatter
2004-11-20, 07:18 AM
Its a question of finding time to explore less frequented forums. Perhaps a "Popular Threads" forum that offers a single location to access and follow the most popular threads, or a "Recommended Threads" forum, that collates threads that are rated important by the moderators/users. I'd like a "My Threads" forum that keeps track of all the threads that I have participated in.

2004-11-20, 02:29 PM
Tutorials and FAQs would get my vote. More careful use of sticky fora would also help avoid the ned for a dedicated announcement forum, it's an easy enough housekeeping thing for the moderators to keep abreast of.

How do people view the forums? Are you all using the "view new posts" function each time you stop by or are you just ploughing through the individual fora?

I'm intrigued that no one has yet mentioned the cross thread discussion about a commercial zone for posting related products etc., as suggested by Leonid Raiz. I think that is one for which if there is support we would have to put a case to the AUGI board.

Andre Baros
2004-11-21, 01:59 AM
Tutorials or "Teaching Revit" would get my vote... where we could exchange idea's on the issues that come with passing the Revit torch on to others, together with the issues of learning it ourselves.

2004-11-21, 02:34 AM
...avoid the need for a dedicated announcement forum...The announcement forum as been closed to new posts almost as long as we've been with AUGI now.

...I'm intrigued that no one has yet mentioned the cross thread discussion about a commercial zone for posting related products etc., as suggested by Leonid Raiz...other than me? I did so in an earlier post...

Dean Camlin
2004-11-21, 01:29 PM
As it relates to a tutorial/FAQ forum, I'd be interested in one that deals exclusively with "advanced" topics.

2004-11-21, 01:43 PM
The announcement forum as been closed to new posts almost as long as we've been with AUGI now.

other than me? I did so in an earlier post...
On the first point, I really meant the resumption of the use of formal announcements through that forum, but on the other point I'll go get my eyes tested again.

2004-11-21, 11:44 PM
What about a Business Card type forum? I think some of you folks have great web sites out there with some good information. Instead of having a link here and there in different postings couldn't there be a forum for virtual business cards. Possibly there could be sub categories for easier access; training, A/E firms, CAD technicians, Service bureaus, and many others.
Or it could be just a Link Page.
Just Thinking....

2004-11-22, 12:05 AM
Tutorials or "Teaching Revit" would get my vote... where we could exchange idea's on the issues that come with passing the Revit torch on to others, together with the issues of learning it ourselves.

I agree here. Call it Training Issues. "Tutorials" implies a how-to-do-it approach. Perhaps a review of what's being posted in the General forum would expose some other sub-categories.


2004-11-22, 12:38 AM
A commercial/employment section section would be good. I am sure I am not the only person wanting to employ 'a few good men' (persons) or to buy that family I just don't have time to make. As I understand I can seek, but not advertise i.e wanted "Revit Guru" but not "Guru seeking work". Without compromising AUGI how would this be achieved? ........Google type ads within search only?

2004-11-22, 01:18 AM
As I understand I can seek, but not advertise i.e wanted "Revit Guru" but not "Guru seeking work". Without compromising AUGI how would this be achieved? ........Google type ads within search only?
From the FAQ Forum Guidelines
Feel free to discuss employment prospects, but do not post job descriptions or resumes in messages to the Forum.

Hmmm, - now Tassie would be a nice place to live.....

2004-11-22, 04:27 PM
I agree with Peter, his quote below,

I'm intrigued that no one has yet mentioned the cross thread discussion about a commercial zone for posting related products etc., as suggested by Leonid Raiz. I think that is one for which if there is support we would have to put a case to the AUGI board.

I would like to see a commercial zone for products that would be related to Revit. I can't even mention what we are doing and I would get my hand slapped if I did. We are working on the integration with Revit's database export with what we got developed currently. Can't say what it is. If interested, then email me a private message.

Hope just this little bit isn't too much to get slapped.


Marek Brandstatter
2004-11-22, 06:14 PM
Commercial 3rd party forum also gets my vote.

Is it true that Leonid's vote counts a 100x? :)

2004-11-22, 06:18 PM
Commercial 3rd party forum also gets my vote.

Is it true that Leonid's vote counts a 100x? :)It is my understanding that this subject will be raised at the next board meeting (I believe it is during AU). Hopefully we can make this a fairer situation than it is right now. I assure you that while I'm at AU I'll be discussing this with as many as will listen.

2004-11-22, 06:52 PM
Is it true that Leonid's vote counts a 100x? :)
Not in this case. :sad:

2004-11-24, 03:57 PM
Looks like "Let's Discuss" is the overwelming choice. I will talk to some of the AUGI Big Wigs at AU and see what we need to do and what is involved to move forward.

Thanks -

2004-11-26, 07:29 AM
I agree here. Call it Training Issues. "Tutorials" implies a how-to-do-it approach. Perhaps a review of what's being posted in the General forum would expose some other sub-categories.


Mooting FAQ and Tutorial options as forums sounds like a wonderful idea.

What do you gain from separating out Tutorial information that can otherwise normally be accessed via the search function in the forum ?
Having FAQ as stand alone seems sensible and I can imagine it being substantive and really valuable..
The tutorial information , however, seems to gain additional relevance and value, because it seems to be most usually associated with a range of related posts or additional comments beyond one definitive answer, thus its removal from the General Forum might well reduce the potency of the tutorial post, due to losing those additonal and valuable comments and tips.

As someone has said, there are many of us who are busy trying to get design or CDs done and do not have the time we might otherwise like to spend actually training to improve our knowledge and productivity above whatever levels we are at, and will reach over time, ( which seems contradictory I know however it is reality for many sole practitioners). The forum speeds this process up while also giving vital insight.

my 5c..- (because in EnZed, they are going to trash the 2c, and use 5c and above, so in deference to the Reserve Bank, my 5c).

2004-11-26, 03:20 PM
I have been visiting all the forums and most of them have not gotten new posts in quite a while. Seems like a pretty good idea to reconsider some of them.

2004-11-26, 07:39 PM
I have been visiting all the forums and most of them have not gotten new posts in quite a while. Seems like a pretty good idea to reconsider some of them.Most forums have recent posts only a couple do not...the filter at the bottom of a forum affects how many posts you see and how far back.

2004-12-02, 04:42 PM
Its a question of finding time to explore less frequented forums. Perhaps a "Popular Threads" forum that offers a single location to access and follow the most popular threads, or a "Recommended Threads" forum, that collates threads that are rated important by the moderators/users. I'd like a "My Threads" forum that keeps track of all the threads that I have participated in.
Hi Marek,

All your requests above can be accomplished through the search functions...the My Threads link is generally available from within your control panel. click on Subscriptions.


2004-12-02, 04:46 PM
I agree with Peter, his quote below,

I would like to see a commercial zone for products that would be related to Revit. I can't even mention what we are doing and I would get my hand slapped if I did. We are working on the integration with Revit's database export with what we got developed currently. Can't say what it is. If interested, then email me a private message.

Hope just this little bit isn't too much to get slapped.


This "commercial zone" is on the agenda for our meeting at AU.