View Full Version : 2010 Places just spontaneously reset itself

2009-11-23, 07:51 PM
Been working in 2010 x64 all day today, everything normal. Just now I tried opening a file, after Revit sat open but with no files open for awhile, and suddenly the Places list reset itself. I had our network server, network library, and FTP location at the top of the list, and now all of those are gone. Even the registry keys that control what displays in that list has reset itself. Anyone know why this would have happened?

2009-11-24, 10:52 PM
What the heck?!? It just happened again!!! Could have been an issue we just had with our server where workstations were unable to connect to the server network drives, and Revit gave me some kind of error message before bringing up the Save box when I tried to save a file locally.

However we did not have this problem with the server yesterday when my Places list reset itself for no apparent reason.