View Full Version : Seamless plaster line for wall-column joint?

2009-11-24, 06:40 AM
I have a situation with a couple of brick masonry walls joining up to a concrete column(as shown).All the walls (and the column) have 1/2" plaster on the interior/exterior side.
How can the the plaster line of the column and the brick be joined/made seamless so that one can avoid the groove that is visible in the elevation.
Have tried disallow join/join geometry etc...please help!


2009-11-24, 01:40 PM
I think you use an architectural column in the same place as your structural column for that?

2009-11-24, 04:11 PM
The best way to model this would be to take the plaster off the column and then model the wall going all the way through the column (with the plaster still proud of the structure). Then join the column to the wall and it should cut out the masonry portion and allow the plaster to carry past.

Alternately you could model it like it's built - make a finish wall with the plaster alone and use that in front of the column.

Adding finishes to structural columns doesn't work as they don't have priority layers structural columns will cut all walls that are not set to shear.

2009-11-24, 04:42 PM
The last post is correct but needs clarified reasoning:
"plaster still proud of the structure"...this is key. Always model in Revit how it would be built in the real world. If you wish for the finish to pass by structure, then the column must be placed appropriately. Architectural columns in Revit have equal "clean-up weight" to core wall layers; so, that being said, also make sure you plaster wall is set up correctly: the plaster being a finish layer outside of the core.

2009-11-24, 05:02 PM
Thanks a lot,
I have been exploring it on the same lines....
Except that when I model the walls in my project, they dont go through and end up overlapping the column, as shown in Picture1...(Disallow join is not selected)

However, when I made the same condition in a new project file, the walls DID go through(yay!)....but when I did a join geometry, this is what I get in Picture 2..(gah!)

What is it that I am doing wrong?
The plaster layer in my walls is set to finish and is outside the core layer...

ps:Thaks for the "plaster proud of the structure.."bit....that makes sense!

2009-11-24, 05:37 PM
The best way to model this would be to take the plaster off the column and then model the wall going all the way through the column (with the plaster still proud of the structure). Then join the column to the wall and it should cut out the masonry portion and allow the plaster to carry past.

This is a good method. I can see that you have plaster inside of Bricks too (Which is...kinda ....impossible) :-D
Also looking at the the image you've shown...Seems like there is a Wall, probably in Existing Phase Setting which doesn't show in the NEW work area....
Check all Phases...there is a WALL there.

2009-11-24, 08:46 PM
Some great ideas there, but since I agree that the plaster dont belong inside the brickwork (would be unfair to the worker installing it...) the walls need to be split anyway, and modeled more like we would actually build it... piece by piece that is.
Ending up with three different wall types, a structural column, and some playing around with the "Disalow Join" and "Join Geometry" tool. :beer: