View Full Version : Revit/VIZ Plugin

2004-11-19, 03:12 PM
Can anyone direct me to where I can find the plugin?


2004-11-19, 03:18 PM
It's still in beta, but it should be released soon. You could try sending a PM to tatlin requesting a beta version of the plug-in.

2004-11-19, 03:19 PM
It's not officially coming out until the CD, which is in a couple of weeks. Beta version, for evaluation & feedback, can be requested from matthew.jezyk@autodesk.com

Geof Narlee

2004-11-19, 03:23 PM
Thanks. I'm assuming it's a plugin for VIZ. Is that correct?

Scott D Davis
2004-11-19, 04:22 PM
It's a plug-in for Viz 2005 ONLY.

Richard McCarthy
2004-11-21, 12:53 PM
It's a plug-in for Viz 2005 ONLY.

eh? ONLY for VIZ2005?!! awwww... so, plugin is NOT compatible with MAX v7?

Scott D Davis
2004-11-21, 05:27 PM
hmmmm......maybe i should rephrase. The plug-in works for Viz 2005, but no earlier versions of Viz. Not sure about compatability with Max, but the plug-in was made for Viz 2005.

2004-11-22, 01:13 PM
Will it work for VIZrender for ADT 2005, via the merge command?

2004-11-22, 04:26 PM
cadpro: I don't know about VIZrender, but if it supports Viz 2005 plug-ins *perfectly* then it could work.

And the only supported application is VIZ 2005. Which is a shame, I think, for it kind of defeats the purpose of making a tool to be able to use Revit models in other 3D applications. The standards I've seen out there are Max, Maya, and XSI. To make it standard on Viz 2005, something that is a good bit of software mind you, but not one that's at least around here a standard is more than a little frustrating. Why didn't the developers just add an export option to Revit for a materials-based DXF or a 3DS option? Why didn't they say that the plugin is supported on Viz & Max when they (Autodesk) make both? I understand that a lot of firms out there use Viz for their rendering, and already own it, but many use Max too (and all of the 'pros' around here are on Max). Wasn't Autodesk even thinking of ending Viz two years ago, and moving everyone to Max, and only kept it around because of the outcry it caused? Isn't Viz 2005 really just Max Lite, and no longer really has much different or specific to Architecture in regards to Max 7 (unlike before, when Viz did have things Max didn't)? So if I want to do serous rendering work efficiently with Revit as my modeler, my only choice is Viz, which has already once been threatened with being discontinued, and is a 'lite' version of another product anyways?

So, a guess a rhetorical question to the developers is, why VIZ? and VIZ only? Or was it just that it was easiest to do right now, and a lot of people were calling for it, and in the long term we're going to see more options for the 'rest' (read: majority) of the CGI industry?

2004-11-22, 04:37 PM
Couldn't agree more. Why Viz? Why not 3ds Max? I posted a small thread on this last week...(click) (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=10793) Having a plug-in for 3ds Max would be a huge step forward for us!

2004-11-22, 04:52 PM
I also agree why just VIZ. What about MAX? Is it a possibility in the future?????