View Full Version : Corridor and Boundary

2009-11-26, 09:40 AM

i've a problem ...my corridor doesn't cut the terrain... i really don't know what i'm doing wrong!

I draw 3 lines: z=0 z=5 z=10
create a TIN surface adding with drawed entities
draw a poly and make it alignment
after it, i create a profile and draw a new layout on the profile
and finaly insert a simpy assembly

finally i create the corridor (assign Surface intersection "target surface" )
all works fine but! my terrein doesn't get a "hole" where my corridor is located

so I get corridors properties and in Surfaces, i change "create corridor surface" and add "daylight-fill" and "daylight-cut" after it in Boundaries tab I add an automatically "daylight".

It does nothing... won't cut! why?????

2009-11-26, 03:45 PM
Yeah, I wish Autodesk would add a feature to allow Corridors to automatically mask the EG contours beneath them...

But there is no such feature, currently. When you create a surface from a Corridor, all it does is create another Surface. You can still see the EG surface beneath the Corridor surface.

As one workaround, you can try turning on the Elevation display for your Corridor surface, and setting it to one zone that is set to Color 255. This effectively creates a solid white hatch across your entire Corridor surface. Then use Draw Order to move objects above/below the Corridor surface, so the masking works as-desired.

Another option is to merge the two surfaces into a third surface. Create a new surface, paste in your EG, then paste in your Corridor surface. The problem with this method is that it doesn't let you assign different visibility parameters to the "old" contours and the "new" contours, so you can't easily see where the new design starts.

2009-11-26, 04:45 PM
Another option is to extract the corridor surface boundary and add the resulting polyline to the EG surface as a Mask.

2009-11-27, 02:21 AM
If only one could use a surface to mask another surface and actually have it work...