View Full Version : Reset Yes/No parameter in schedules to neutral

2009-11-27, 01:53 AM
It's pretty hard to read a schedule full of yes's & no's. Is there a way to reset the yes/no value back to neutral so that only the yes's appear and the other cells are empty??

When you first create a schedule with yes/no parameters the value is neutral with neither "yes" or "no" displaying in a given cell (ie. blank). If you tick a cell and set it's value to "yes", and then decide later that value needs to be changed, the only option appears to be "no" instead of also being able to reset back to neutral. I'd hate to think that in order to be consistant I have to change all the neutral values to "no"?? which then becomes a real mess to read on a large schedule (I'm working with hundreds of doors and windows !!)

I've tried holding the usual keys (ctrl / shift etc) and clicking on the tick box but it keeps returning back to yes or no.

A solution would be great, thanks.

2009-11-27, 07:14 AM
There´s no direct way to define the cells to be left blank, but there´s another option, which will do what you want.

You need to hide the current YESNOPARAMETER and instead add a new calculated field to your schedule (Calculated Value, Formula, Type: Text)

Formula: if(YESNOPARAMETER, "Yes", " ")

"Yes" can also be sustituted by a "X", or anything you like :-)

Have a good one.

2009-11-27, 09:23 AM
With the new subscription-update it is now also possible to change the style of the cell depending on its content.

So, you could make the cell green whenever the YESNOPARAMETER is YES and red when it's NO. (Or whichever color-combo you like :) )

I find this a very nice visual aid. Only drawback: when printing to black and white or making a b/w copy you loose that information.

2009-11-27, 04:35 PM
I would simply have one condition be a color (which would print grayscale) and the other condition no color, to remain white. That should be sufficient for a yes/no condition.

2009-11-27, 10:19 PM
Very much appreciated, thanks for your help guys.