View Full Version : Keynotes Element in Existing and New Phase

2009-12-02, 07:55 PM
I love Revit Keynoting...however, i wonder how you guys handle this situation.

I Have a Plumbing fixture, which is shown as demoed in my Demolition View.
Then I use this same Component, Same Type, in my New Construction Plan.
The Problem is, the Keynote assigned is still same.

I keynoted by Element it in my Demo view as "Fixture to Be Removed"

Now in New Construction Plan, when I keynote, it still shows the same note. How do you guys Handle this situation?

Currently All our demo work has to be "Keynote By User"

Your input is really helpful


2009-12-02, 08:09 PM
We do exactly what you are doing now - Keynote By User for demo notes. Alternately you could try using a multi-category tag for the demo notes, although it would be clumsier to list the notes with a note block than with a keynote legend.

2009-12-30, 09:04 PM
along these lines...
my office uses two different keynote tags, and oval for new, and a hexagon for existing.
Is there anyway to create two keynote legends based on the type of tag used?
In the keynote legend settings the only options shown are for "Key Value and Keynote Text" there is no option to sort by phase or tag. The keynote tag family also does not allow you to add additional shared parameters so you can't add anything to the keynote schedule...