View Full Version : Topography not going deep enough?

2009-12-03, 03:43 AM
Anyone know why the topography in the attached section topo_depth.jpg would do what its doing? I can't seem to get the earth to show up any lower than somewhere between L1 and P1, even though the topo slopes off to the left and goes way lower than P6, at that point it's just a single line and i have parking hanging down from the topo...

the weird thing is that the line where the topo stops is the same as a level in a linked file (BLDG13 - L1, see attached image), but i don't know why it would do that. I did split the topo by picking lines from the referenced file but none of the lines i picked were at that level.

Also, when splitting a topo, i notice that the split portion no longer fills a level that is at an elevation lower than the split topo. Is there a way to make Revit understand that there is actually earth below the split topo surface? plan_topo_L1 shows the terrain at level one, and plan_topo_P1 shows the missing earth in the top left at the P1 parking level. I've made do with making regions for now but in the areas where i will have to actually excavate i will get blank areas all over the place (the parking levels get quite complicated...)


2009-12-03, 05:44 AM
Try changing this attached value??

2009-12-03, 07:02 PM
ACK, omg, another Revit menu i've never seen before or even knew existed... THANKS! that's amazing...

2009-12-03, 07:06 PM
OK, so that fixes my problem in section but what about in plan? i changed it and i still get the earth disappearing in the split regions that don't intersect the level of the view...

2009-12-03, 07:30 PM
you need to adjust your view range. the height, cutoff & depth are all affecting this view.

2009-12-03, 11:31 PM
So i've tried fiddling with the view range settings but to no avail. I've adjusted the depth, top and bottom of the view range, from the associated level to infinite, and all permutations in between... and they all look the same. I've attached some views of how the parking levels work. As they go down, some parking levels disappear but they don't get filled in with earth. In this particular instance i used pads but I get the same if i split the terrain.


2009-12-04, 06:15 AM
"Elevation of Poche Base" under Site settings can be used to alter the earth fill depth.

2009-12-07, 06:03 PM
Changing the elevation of the poche was what Philip suggested before and like i said, it worked for the section but not for the plan.

Has no one else had this problem? Am i the only one? Or is it that there is no solution to this other than using a region to fill the area manually? It seems strange...

2009-12-07, 06:16 PM
for the plan view I would suspect the "view depth" is not looking deep enough (or maybe too deep and it is not "cutting" the toposurface.) I would try looking at the view range settings of the view to see if you can get things looking the way you want them to.

2009-12-07, 09:51 PM
Yes, as i said, adjusting the view range makes no difference. And no, the view isn't cutting the terrain because the view is completely below that piece of terrain (you can see the situation in the images i posted).

So i ask: is it really impossible to get terrain to show up if its being cut below its lowest point? Am i left with filling the empty space with a region?

2010-06-21, 02:32 AM
I just came across the same problem csklar, where split sections of the topography not cut by the plan view do not appear in the plan.

Would love to know if there's a fix?