View Full Version : Visibility Control of Family Sweeps!

2009-12-03, 04:16 PM
I noticed a peculiar aspect of RAC2010 in creating a family. The family contained an extrusion and a sweep both of which I wanted to have separate visibility control over. The extruded element worked fine but when I turned off the visibility for the sweep element the whole family disappeared. Not the desired affect I was hoping for. After reconstructing the sweep element as an extrusion I was able to independently control the visibility of each element while maintaining the visibility of the entire family.
I’m not sure if this is a bug or the way sweeps were intended to work but I do know it had me scratching my head for awhile. Hopefully this post will relieve any frustration others may run into.

2009-12-03, 05:56 PM
Had you doin Join geometry before you recreated the sweep as an extrusion? Any elements that are joined work with the same visibility parameter, always. Try recreating it again as a new sweep thats not "joined" to the other piece. Ive got sweeps in families in 2010 that have vis control seperate of other pieces...

2009-12-03, 06:12 PM

You are correct. Thanks for the clarification. The sweep element was locked to a reference plane related to other geometry. Once I unlocked the sweep geometry the visibility control for the sweep acted independently.

Interesting. I wonder if this was intentional and what prompt such a relationship. Are there any other aspects that cascade through joined elements?

2009-12-03, 09:03 PM
Joined elements shouldnt have anything to do with locked to a reference plane. Its if the JOIN command is used on two solids, they respond together.