View Full Version : RAC 2010 Doors - 3Part Question

2009-12-03, 04:42 PM
I havent posted anything on here in a while, so I thought I would come back with something that might be a little difficult.

Part 1. Door & Schedule. When I insert a door, I want to automatically populate on the schedule what room the door is going from/to. Is this a possibility? Does there need to be some parameter in the door family itself for this?

Part 2. When placing a door in a host, after the door is placed I want the element properties box to automatically pop-up, prompting the user to enter certain information before moving on. Is this something that can be done, maybe with API programming.

Part 3. In the door family, is it possible to add new categories for parameters? We have a specific way we want our schedule set up, and if I could set up the categories/parameters in the same manner, it would make it more efficient ofor us in the office.

Any help would be appreciated.

2009-12-03, 05:54 PM
I havent posted anything on here in a while, so I thought I would come back with something that might be a little difficult.

Part 1. Door & Schedule. When I insert a door, I want to automatically populate on the schedule what room the door is going from/to. Is this a possibility? Does there need to be some parameter in the door family itself for this?

You can get them to work, but its an extreme pain in the butt (in my opinion) and its not flawless. Its not based on parameters in the door family, and since i never use them i forget what drives it. Has something to do with a reference plane, i think, and what "side" of the host wall its reading from, or something. Im guessing, because i never use them.

Part 2. When placing a door in a host, after the door is placed I want the element properties box to automatically pop-up, prompting the user to enter certain information before moving on. Is this something that can be done, maybe with API programming.

Again, im guessing, but i dont even think the API can do it, because the API (in my limited understanding) runs functions at a given time when its activated, and not constantly while youre in the program. There are some external tools that come close to what youre suggesting, but i dont THINK youll get it to auto pop up.

Part 3. In the door family, is it possible to add new categories for parameters? We have a specific way we want our schedule set up, and if I could set up the categories/parameters in the same manner, it would make it more efficient ofor us in the office.

Weve all been asking for quite some time. I dont think its doable without hacking, and even then im not sure its even feasible. Were stuck with the parameter catagories they give us (which really doesnt affect schedules too much, since the catagories of parameters dont show up there... unless youre grouping headers and making them the same).
Any help would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

2009-12-03, 06:50 PM
Again, im guessing, but i dont even think the API can do it, because the API (in my limited understanding) runs functions at a given time when its activated, and not constantly while youre in the program. There are some external tools that come close to what youre suggesting, but i dont THINK youll get it to auto pop up.

This is esentialy corrrect. The API application has to be started and Revit hands control over to the application, then when it reaches completion control is handed back to Revit. It sounds like the OP wants something to sit and monitor for an event and then trigger when that event occurs (door placement). The API does not currently have the ability to do this kind of thing.

2009-12-03, 08:38 PM
Ok, well I think these are all items we can work around and it shouldnt be an issue. I have another question now. Is it possible, within a family, to make a parameter read only. I would like to make my family, input certain parameter information that stays the same every time the family is used, and not have it editable by a user. Also, can I have a parameter that has choices that a user can pick from. On a door for example, I want to have a "Handing" Parameter, and have a list of choices the user can pick from and not deviate from or fill in on their own. Is this something that is possible to do?

2009-12-03, 09:00 PM
You can make it read only by enterting the value in the formula field in the family editor, then they wont be able to change it.

You can make parameters "selectable" but not really... You have to use more than one parameter to do it. But tread VERY carefully regarding Handing for doors.... The moment you mirror the door in the project you may have things backwards.

2009-12-03, 09:18 PM
What I would like in particular is to have a list of choices that the user can pick from, but no be able to add/remove from. Like in the Handing case, we would like to have 8 options for handing, and that would be it. How would I add this to the formula in the family editor though?

One other question, is there a way to make an error pop-up when someone inserts an object. When the user inserts a door, we would like to have an error message pop-up telling the user to go to the element properties and enter in the required information. Would that be something that can be done in the API?

2009-12-03, 10:09 PM
The only way the handing thing is going to work is:

Make 9 yes/no parameters. (Handing 1-8, and a null). Then make an integer parameter. They type in 1-8, and the yes/no's run by if statements. The null is yes if everything else is no, and you can make Null show a rediculous graphic or something in the properties.

Re: Your second question... Same thing i said before. The API cannot run constantly throughout the session, so no. It cant do it. All you can do (again) is make an instance parameter thats defaulted to ON. It controls the visibilty of a rediculous graphic (model text?) saying "GO TO THE PROPERTIES."

But honestly? Its all overkill. Just train the staff to go to the properties when they place a door, and to enter the right information. Try as we might, theres no cure for stupid. If we kill ourselves trying to automate everything, someone will find new heights to push human error too.