View Full Version : Tag Symbology that changes per Use

2009-12-09, 03:11 PM
I have a school project going that has a gazillion table, chairs, equip, casework, etc that needs to be tagged and scheduled by either Owner Installed or builder Installed. I created two YES/NO parameters for each family and type.....and created the schedules for either owner or bldr filters............that was the easy part. Now I'm having a problem with the actual Tags for the plans views reading the approriate settings from the family. Ihave two different 'symbols' in the tags, one for Owner, one for builder, but when I tag an object, I sttill have to manually tell the tag which one to display, O or B. Is there something to build into the tag and/or family that tells the tag to display O or B symbology based on the O or B param of the object? Seems to me there is, but I'm seeming to be having brainfarts here.


Mike M.

2009-12-09, 03:37 PM
Create a new text type shared param, call it "string" or whatever, and use a formula in the value field that says something like this:

if(O, "O", "B")

The first O in the condition is the O parameter. The second O (in quotations) is the text value for this text parameter if the O parameter is true (checked). The B (in quotations) is the text value for this parameter if the O paramter is false (not checked). Make sense?

Then you can create a tag that reads that shared parameter.

On a side note, it would probably be better if the O and B yes/no parameters were more descriptive in their naming. I'd call them Owner and Builder for clarity.

You might want to get rid of the B yes/no parameter, otherwise you'd need to make your formula in the text paramter more complicated, in order to cover the possibility that a user checks both the O and B parameter or doesn't check either one.

2009-12-09, 03:40 PM
Right, but (i think) what the OP is trying to do is tie visiblity parameters in the TAG family to parameters in the OBJECT, so he can get different symbology for each condition. I dont believe this is possible at all.

Just use a lable with a different value that reads directly from the object, with the same symbol... Or its going to be a manual tracking thing.

2009-12-09, 04:04 PM
Thanks cory and Aaron........Cory i do have the labels/params as Owner and Bldr, not just O & B.only did that to shorten the post. I'll give this a try per your suggestions, and as Per Aaron reply, that's what I'm trying to acomplish....If the Object is Owner Installed then I'd like the Tag to show "THAT SYMBOL", if it's Bldr Installed, show "IT"S SYMBOL". I'll try this to see if it works.


Mike Maloney

2009-12-09, 04:06 PM
Its NOT going to do what youre after. The parameters in the tag CANNOT read the parameters in the object.

Your three options are:

1. Use the same symbol, with a different value IN the symbol.
2. Hope someone can write an API function that- when activated- can check the O/B parameter of the object and replace the symbol as necessary... Which STILL wont be automatic since youll have to remember to call the function.
3. Manually change them all.

2009-12-09, 04:09 PM
Thanks Aaron, I was afraid of that
