View Full Version : View Depth and Linetypes

2009-12-10, 07:40 PM
I'm just now noticing that the View Depth setting appears to override all linetype settings below the bottom of the Primary Range. This means that all lines below the bottom of the Primary Rance but within the View depth settings become solid, lineweight 1, black lines. I've got some joint panel lines that are set to be gray in the linetype and are getting overridden, and also all symbolic lines in this zone are showing up. I've got lots of hidden line symbolic lines in mechanical families to show clearances, and they are not only showing up (although only if directly visible), but are solid. Anybody noticed this problem before?

2009-12-10, 08:14 PM
I believe the program is designed to do that. View Depth is for showing things beyond, so anything outside of the primary range that falls within the view depth gets shown as the "Beyond" linestyle.

2009-12-10, 08:24 PM
It would be nice to have a little control, even a single checkbox, to control whether view depth overrides or not. Right now, in roof plans, I've got the option of either doing a lot of overrides to get roof areas below to show up properly, or I have to set the primary bottom really low and then hide all of the symbolic lines that pop up from underneath the roof.

Or just as good, don't have symbolic lines show up in the view depth area, and don't let it override line pattern. The latter in particular is kind of baffling.