View Full Version : curtain wall - reset

2009-12-10, 09:11 PM
Has anyone noticed that if a curtain wall is "pin positioned" it resets all of the customised panels to the underlying panel as specified in the properties dialog.

We were wondering why all our panels were resetting from time to time - regularly during the documentation phase we select all the geometry and do a "pp" to prevent accidental modification.

We are still using 2009 - has this been fixed in 2010?

Scott Womack
2009-12-11, 11:22 AM
It has not been "fixed" as you call it, since this is how Autodesk has designed it to work. The panels will not change if there is no specific underlaying panel name in the curtainwall definition.

2009-12-14, 09:28 PM
Thanks Scott

[I]"The panels will not change if there is no specific underlaying panel name in the curtainwall definition."

Do you mean that in the curtain wall properties "curtain panel" should be set to "none" to prevent this reset occurring?
If so, what becomes the default panel type - "system panel - glazed" ??

It seems that a "reset curtain wall" option would have been better than pin position resetting the curtain panels.

As it is this is not intuitive .... pin position should not change any model objects, just pin objects in their position.