View Full Version : file no longer compatible

Bryan Thatcher
2009-12-11, 01:41 PM
I'm getting the attached error. How did that happen and how can I fix it?

2009-12-11, 02:18 PM
You cant *fix it* so that you can SWC... Better to figure out what happened so it doesnt happen again, and try to salvage what you can by keeping that file opened and making a new local, then copying and pasting.

My guess: There are two machines in the project with the same Username in Revit, under Options. Saw that happen at my old office. It will let two people edit the same stuff if they have the same username, and its literally *who saves first* after that. LOL.

Andre Carvalho
2009-12-11, 02:18 PM
Make sure no one else is working (has worked) on the central file and changing elements there. If someone is working in the central file and editing the same elements you are, any work you do will become incompatible with the central file.

Andre Carvalho