View Full Version : Wall patterns showing through other objects

2009-12-11, 05:44 PM
Why is it that patterns and elements tend to show through relatively thin objects that are otherwise opaque? I have a stucco element applied to a brick wall, about 1/2" thick, and the brick pattern shows completely through in 3D perspective views. I have to make the element at least 2" thick to keep the brick from showing through.

This is so annoying and very confusing to clients. "Why is this part brick? I want it to be stucco" "Oh it is stucco, it's just the brick pattern showing through". :confused: is how the client looks.


2009-12-11, 06:06 PM
Okay so I just turned off my site Revit link (which has this building linked into it) and now surfaces show up fine, nothing showing through other things. whiskey tango foxtrot!