View Full Version : How do you give a area in a building a room name and shading that dosn't have walls around it?

2009-12-14, 01:23 PM
Hey guys,

Was wondering how do you give a area in a building a room name and shading that dosn't have walls around it?

I have a attached a picture of the area im trying to shade and name.

When i try and shade the room using the room seperation line tool it dosn't allow me to do it and gives me a error mesage saying:
"A wall and a room separation line overlap. One of them may be ignored when Revit finds room boundaries. Shorten or delete the room separation line to remove the overlap."

How do i get around this problem?

Many Thanks,


2009-12-14, 01:59 PM
Where are you trying to put the room separation line? Looks like you have walls around the whole room already except at those stairs, so you only need the room sep line at that opening to the stairs.

In short, don't put room sep lines where you already have walls. Just put them in open spaces and connect them to walls or other room sep lines.