View Full Version : revit overnight crash

2009-12-14, 07:44 PM
ive posted in the rendering section but there seems to be little activity on that forum

i have a rendering problem

ive attempted a to rendering overnight the last few nights only to find a screen stating there is an error and my revit must close. (i can see my finished rending in the background)..

i click close and poof! everything gone. any suggestions of what might be causing this?

2009-12-14, 08:50 PM
Same issue here, this happened just last night, but I have done maybe 20+ renderings overnight with no issues. I'm chalking it up to Vista, but if someone's got a fix I'm all ears.

2009-12-14, 09:27 PM
im using windows 7..

heres the thing.. ive got a few renderings to do and a fast approaching deadline.. every night i set up a rendering and come back to find it didnt work i get a little closer to being screwed.

i dont mean to rant but if anyone could shed some light on this... it would be very helpful



2009-12-14, 10:14 PM
Stats on the machine and the rendering youre attempting may shed some light on the subject:

Amount of Memory, is it 64bit (im not clear if all win7 is, or if its 32 or 64 like vista), Graphics card, Graphics card driver, how big is the rendering (In the rendering dialogue, how big is the image size in MB).

Ive seen errors and crashes with large renderings when the machines ran out of memory. Ive seen that go one of three ways:

1. Rendering doesnt finish and revit crashes.
2. Rendering finishes but because revit is out of memory, you cannot save/export/do ANYTHING, you lose the rendering.
3. Rendering finishes and generates an error, and crashes.

There are also tons of general problems depending on graphics cards and drivers. Im not saying either of these are definetely your problem, but we need a bunch more information, or were all just taking WAG's.