View Full Version : removing unwanted loaded families

2009-12-15, 09:18 AM

i am having a problem with old revit families, i have loaded into my drawing but not using. is there anyway i can remove any families that im not using as they are making my file very large and it takes along time to load up my drawing

any help is much appreciated
having real problems with this 1!

orin quigg

2009-12-15, 09:25 AM
Yes. Search for them in the project browser and delete the unwanted family.

2009-12-15, 12:14 PM
You should do Purge Unused and it gets rid of everything you aren't using. I usually go down the list and uncheck things that I am planning on using later in the project but haven't had the chance to yet such as certain annotations.

2009-12-15, 01:59 PM
But be careful with Purge Unused. If you have some used and some unused family types and the unused are purged, you cannot simply load the family back in to get the missing types.

Scott Womack
2009-12-16, 11:34 AM
This is only partly true. If the "default" type that was in the family when it was first brought into the project is one of those purged, you should be able to reload the family and get the types back. If that default family is used within the project, then truevis is completely correct.