View Full Version : Material Take Offs?

2009-12-16, 02:17 PM
Ok, Im having some problems with material take off schedules.

Firstly I went round and tagged all my walls within my project and then went to make a material take off schedule. The problem that I'm having is that there is alot more walls/materials showing up than there should be, anyone experience this problem or know how to sort it?


2010-02-18, 05:23 PM
I am havin this problem too. It is putting each wall in 3-4 times in my Wall Schedule.... But not just walls, everything else too, like windows in window schedule, roofs in roof schedule, etc...

I am trying to do some cost estimating and I had to just go back to my ruler and calculator.

cliff collins
2010-02-18, 05:53 PM
Let's clarify:

Under View>Schedule you can select:

1. Schedule/Quantities

2. Material Take-off

These produce different results.

If you want to Schedule ONLY Walls, use Schedule/Quantities> and select "Walls"
then select in Fields "count", "family/type", etc.

If you want a Material Take-off of the various materials which are contained in the Walls,
then use material Take-off and specify Family Type, Material: Name, Material: Area
and so on.
