View Full Version : Crazy Zoom to Fit behaviour

Mr Spot
2004-11-23, 04:45 AM
Is anyone else experiencing strange behaviour with zoom to fit...

Refer the attached image. This is the result after a zoom to fit (zoom all to fit gives the same results). It is a freshly cut Revit 7.0 section with the latest build. Also, when i place these sections on a sheet and you hover over it, the highlighted section is enormous compared to the crop region extents that are set.

There are no detail items in these areas and adjusting the crop region seems to have no effect. Not critical, just another annoying,..... bug? :neutral:

2004-11-23, 05:08 AM
Yes, I have had the same problem on occasion.

2004-11-23, 05:10 AM
Yeah, I noticed a couple of similar occurrences, but didn't worry too much about it.

Mr Spot
2004-11-23, 05:23 AM
aha, thought that might be the case...

2004-11-23, 05:23 AM
I too have had the same behaviour on occasion. Once there was a plan region that was interfering that was outside the crop region.

Martin P
2004-11-23, 10:26 AM
I am getting a problem when I switch views and Revit zooms extenst automatically - A graphics display thing - like double vision or something? when I hit F5 (regen) its ok, doesnt cause me problems as such, but it doesnt look good.

2004-11-23, 07:34 PM
When i havew this problem i use New Window command in Window pull down.
