View Full Version : Turn off wall sweep processing??

2004-11-23, 12:38 PM
It seems that wall sweeps take up a huge amount of processor capital. I have had to make some changes to a plan after the neighborhood's Architect completed plan review, and it involves moving some walls and things like that. Consequently the roofs need to be changed as well to break up the roof line (which has to be done manually).

Closing hidden windows helps a bit, but things are slow.

Any advice?

2004-11-23, 12:50 PM
I am also struggling with simple massing where I have 6 storey building which has 11 bay windows per floor organized as groups. 90 degree rotation (or moving) of the building takes about 10 minutes.


2004-11-23, 01:36 PM
rotating a building model is a tough thing in revit(I liken it to asking the contractor to rotate the building after he has built it). Why are you rotating your building? Usually in revit you want to draw orthagonally, then rotate your site and set the true north to have correct site plan views.

2004-11-23, 03:09 PM

You could try to Edit->Cut all wall sweeps, make your change and paste them back as a last resort. Or if you have wall types with sweeps in them, change them to a type without sweeps before making extensive changes.

Wall sweeps are automatically subtracted from walls they intersect. To update this after arbitrary changes - as you can imagine - takes some processing power.

Just to compare them to windows: windows usually have a simple opening cut out of the middle of their hosts. Wall sweeps may have complex profiles that modify the whole length of the wall, touching joined walls, mitering with joined wall sweeps, etc.

We constantly try to improve wall sweep performance. Just a few weeks ago we started experimenting with a switch so you can turn off
this automatic cut behavior. If you have complex models with lots of wall sweeps that you can share with us, we'd be happy to use it as our guinea pig.


2004-11-23, 03:28 PM
Cool, quite a few sweeps on this one for you! How would you like me to submit it?

2004-11-23, 04:10 PM
I hardly use wall sweeps because of the fact they are really slow. I have made families or used families other people created and add to my walls that way. Or I make an in-place family and add them that way.

Not the way I want to do it, but sweeps take too long, especially if you have changes and then you have to delete them. My opinion.

I wouldn't mind being a guinea pig also.

I do love the Roof fascia tool though!!


Wes Macaulay
2004-11-23, 05:03 PM
I hardly use wall sweeps because of the fact they are really slow. I have made families or used families other people created and add to my walls that way. Or I make an in-place family and add them that way.

Not the way I want to do it, but sweeps take too long, especially if you have changes and then you have to delete them. My opinion.I've wondered this myself - whether in-place families are the way to go instead of sweeps. I assume you're talking about host sweeps? Or do sweeps built into wall styles also cause the same headaches? I've only worked on a few projects where there were a lot of sweeps, but if I have to do more I'd like to know if wall sweeps of any flavour are going to be a problem.

2004-11-23, 06:02 PM

The more real use cases we have is the better. I'd like to see what cases you think the current wall sweeps are not adequate. Please send your model to Revit support. (revitsupport@autodesk.com)

Also, when you make a family based sweep to replace the wall sweep, does it overlap the wall? If yes, do you use join geometry to show them properly in sections? I suspect most performance problems come from the automatic joining we provide for wall sweeps. (See my previous post.)

Another potential wall sweep slowdown may come from long wall sweeps that have pieces in many walls. (When you make them you have the option to keep picking new walls for the same sweep, of "start next" sweep.)


2004-11-23, 07:01 PM
Or do sweeps built into wall styles also cause the same headaches?

I'm working in a building model right now that has a 4" rubber base sweep built in to the wall style. I need to change it to a 6" base. Not a problem except in instances where the walls types are also used in design options. I haven't been able to find a way to update wall style sweeps that occur in secondary design styles and my uber-tech who set up the project has gone to Mexico for a week!

The error I receive is "No element in a secondary Option can be referenced by an element outside that Option."

2004-12-02, 02:52 AM
Another potential wall sweep slowdown may come from long wall sweeps that have pieces in many walls. (When you make them you have the option to keep picking new walls for the same sweep, of "start next" sweep.)

So Tamas, are you suggesting it is easier on processing to do multiple sweeps for different walls, instead of multiple walls as part of the same piece?

The only problem with this is, that if you change the height of the sweep, for instance, then you must change all pieces individually. At least if they are all part of the same sweep, it would make a one-stop change.