View Full Version : link by view problem

2009-12-17, 09:23 PM
i am on revit 2009....i have a view (documentation view) in which i set to link by view...on my linked file view (working view) i set the correct display/ crops for levels and grids....when i hit save to central on my documentation view the settings go back to default (grids and levels at extents)....is there a soulution?


2009-12-17, 09:54 PM
Is someone else working on the project with you at the time?

If so, there is a huge issue surrounding this:

If they dont HAVE the corresponding view in the LINKED file, and you set your Local file to By Linked View and then STC, if they STC *after* you, and have no reloaded the Link (under Manage Links) prior to THEIR STC, it will undo the By Linked View setting.

2009-12-17, 10:09 PM
that makes sense.....thanks

2009-12-18, 12:15 AM
that works...thanks again

2009-12-18, 02:34 AM
Thats why were here. :)

jj mac
2010-02-09, 02:27 PM

Thanks for posting an answer to this question. Everyone in the office is wondering why their by linked view settings are magically changing all the time and to be honest it was starting to foster some paranoia!

This makes perfect sense...