View Full Version : Printing Isometric wiew with hidden objects?

2004-11-23, 03:04 PM
The isometric view gives the opportunity to hide objects (by using the sunglasses)
But when I print the view the objects appears anyway.

Using the visibility-option doesn´t give the same result as I then have to hide all the objects of a certain type.

I would be thankful for any ideas what to do

2004-11-23, 05:49 PM
There are two methods I'm aware of.

Phasing - filter the view with phasing if it's applicable to what your trying to view.

Worksets - filter the view by assigning all the elements your needing to their own workset or worksets and using the 'visibility' parameter to select the worksets you want in your view. A little caution in using worksets, it will add quite a bit to the learning curve, however it does open some doorways for using layers.

My foundation iso attachment was done through worksets, but I would imagine it could have easily been accomplished through phasing, without involving worksets.

2004-11-23, 08:57 PM
Thanks a lot !

Anyway there must be a good (technical ?) reason for why the easy way of hiding objects by using the "glasses" isn´t printable. Otherwise always (?) "what you see on the screen is what you get" !