View Full Version : File is already open for editing by another user.

2009-12-18, 04:40 PM
I am trying to access our template file and keep getting a message that says: "File is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."

This all started yesterday right after I had a crash. I opened the template and it was fine, I didn't get that message. About a minute later Revit crashed on me and then when I reopen it I get this message. I've checked the properties to make sure its not read only. I've deleted my temporary files and so on. I've done everything I can think of. Nobody else in my office has it open, nobody even has Revit open.

I'm at a loss here. I can save it as something else but then everyone else in the office seems to have the same problem.

2009-12-18, 06:07 PM
Try closing Revit and restarting? I've run into this a couple times and a restart resolved it.

2009-12-18, 08:59 PM
This is probably a windows server group permissions issue.

Windows will use this exact same error message...

File is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file.

...if someone else is accessing the file (which in this case, no one is), or if you don't have write access to that network partition.

Check with your IT guy. He may have changed your group permissions or something like that.

2009-12-18, 10:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I actually went as far as reinstalling. It didn't work.

It turns out it was a permissions thing. Not sure what happen but for some reason all the new files being created only can be accessed by the creator. I fixed it for this file but its a problem that has to be resolved by the it group.


2009-12-21, 06:17 PM
I am trying to access our template file and keep getting a message that says: "File is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."

This all started yesterday right after I had a crash. I opened the template and it was fine, I didn't get that message. About a minute later Revit crashed on me and then when I reopen it I get this message. I've checked the properties to make sure its not read only. I've deleted my temporary files and so on. I've done everything I can think of. Nobody else in my office has it open, nobody even has Revit open.

I'm at a loss here. I can save it as something else but then everyone else in the office seems to have the same problem.

I am getting same message whenever attempting to save modified Stock Family