View Full Version : Revit 2010 blue screen crashing...

2009-12-21, 08:42 PM
We have several Precision T3400s with the same nVidia Quadra FX 1700 card that all seem to be crashable if you run the latest supported driver. Fun thing is that the only driver that seems to be stable or at least doesn't crash more than once every few weeks is the 8250 which is made for the GeForce card and doesn't even install if you allow the installer to continue past extracting files.
With a few systems changed to the unsupported driver running without crashes for over a week my golden system that never crashed has now crashed. It was and is once again running the 8250 and took a lot to get it back installed. Tried safe mode removal of SW and driver files but the trick was to install a mfg supported driver for the card ver 9100 and then install the 8250 over that within safe mode.
User is back in revit and hasn't had a problem all day. Should I be happy that I have found a work-a-round or is there a real solution to this problem out there? I can keep trying the latest nVidia drivers as they come out since the crash is almost immediate but that doesn't get me many points with the users...
Should note that I have scrubbed every system, no virus, spyware, defrag is weekly with defraggler, Symantec Endpoint doesn not seem to be a factor if you can believe that, have also run ccleaner and regclean, removed the swap file defragged scandisked and recreated swap file. These systems run great except for the crashing.

2009-12-21, 09:58 PM
This was the 2009/11/10 driver that was crashing? As I have a T3400 with the Quadro FX 1700 as well....

But I am running it with Windows 7 64bit.....what OS are you using? As we are updating a lot of our computers to Vista 64bit in the coming weeks....