View Full Version : Multiple Buildings in One Site

2009-12-21, 09:53 PM
What are the Pros and Cons of Linking?

I put ALL Buildings on this single site, but later, the Architect comes up and says, we need to move this building 5'-0". By now, I have fully annotated my Sections Elevations etc. I am not sure how to deal with this issue of buildings being continuously moved.

Your solutions will appreciated


2009-12-21, 10:10 PM
We always link our site to our building and vica-versa. And thus, we have a seperate file for each building. You can still break yours up to do this - hopefully with only a small loss of data.

William Troeak
2009-12-21, 10:16 PM
We always link our site to our building and vica-versa. And thus, we have a seperate file for each building. You can still break yours up to do this - hopefully with only a small loss of data.

This is also the way I do it. It gets a little tricky when it comes to updating families that are used in each building, but worth it when it comes to the perfomanace of your computer.

2009-12-21, 10:29 PM
We also put each building in it's own project file... I've seen it many times where a client asks us to rotate one of the buildings by x degrees. It's also a good idea to put any orthogonal sitework (courtyards and gardens) in the building model that the work is orthogonal to. Then when you have to rotate the building... all of your orthogonal sitework moves with it. Meandering sitework can go in the site model.