View Full Version : Add Merge Command

2004-11-23, 08:41 PM
The LAYMRG command from express tools is awesome. I also came across a VBA routine that does this with text styles and I use it to clean up repetitive text styles (i.e. - merges styles like Romans, Text, Note, and Tags that all use the same font onto one standard style). But it would also be great if you could do the same with blocks, dim styles, ltypes, plot styles, shapes, text styles, and mline styles. The MERGE command would work like the PURGE command except the MERGE command would move all selected data onto a corresponding one (just like LAYMRG works).

2004-11-24, 07:16 PM
I also came across a VBA routine that does this with text styles and I use it to clean up repetitive text styles (i.e. - merges styles like Romans, Text, Note, and Tags that all use the same font onto one standard style). But it would also be great if you could do the same with blocks, dim styles, ltypes, plot styles, shapes, text styles, and mline styles. The MERGE command would work like the PURGE command except the MERGE command would move all selected data onto a corresponding one (just like LAYMRG works).
It would be cool if they had a built-in tool for merging text styles, that would be great.

How are you talking about merging blocks? Like saying, this person used two different blocks for doors, when they could have just used one, so go swap out all of block #2 automatically?

2004-11-29, 05:12 PM
How are you talking about merging blocks? Like saying, this person used two different blocks for doors, when they could have just used one, so go swap out all of block #2 automatically?

Yes. That would be a perfect application of this idea. Most probably would not come up very often, but I think that any category that can be purged should also be able to be merged.

Blocks: All blocks defined under the selected definitions are replaced with a target block by another name and the previous ones are deleted.

Dimension Styles: Any entities under the name of the selected dimensions styles are moved to that of a target dimension style and the previous ones are deleted (should have the option of maintaining any overrides like DIMSCALE).

Layers: Like Express Tools' LAYMRG command.

Line Types: Any layers or object overrides using the selected linetypes are changed to use a target linetype and the previous are deleted.

Plot Styles: Not sure how this would work. (Open to suggestions)

Shapes: Same as blocks.

Text Styles: Any strings of the selected text styles are replaced with that of the target text style and the previous are deleted.

Multi-Line Styles: The geometry of all selected multi-line definitions are replaced by the geometry of a target style and the previous are deleted.

In any case, you would have one or more definitions in a category to merge onto a target definition. Its a matter of selecting "which ones" are to be replaced by "which target".

Glenn Pope
2004-12-09, 11:54 PM
I like it.:beer: