View Full Version : Phase Erasing?

2003-09-18, 03:54 AM
I have a project that has recently changed scope. As such, all of the demolition and new construction I did is no longer appropriate. Unfortunately, I never saved a backup of the file right before I started demo'ing and reconstructing. What is the best way to erase the new phase? Is there a way to erase the entire phase and just be left with the existing conditions? If not, I do have some random backups...should I find the one that is closest to the existing conditions and work with that? Any suggestions are appreciated :D

If there is something obvious I am missing, it is probably because I have not done much with phases and I am not entirely clear on how to work with them. :?


Cathy Hadley
2003-09-18, 04:04 AM
I think you could just isolate the phase >
select all the walls and then in properties >
change the phase created and then change the phase demolished to none...

2003-09-18, 04:10 AM

Go to the views showing the elements to be demolished. Select each element ( probably one by one to start, to be safe )
Select its properties and change the phase demolished to none. It will then be in the existing phase.

Work through all the elements marked as demolished and you should have what you want.

Ed: Cathy's post snuck in there first.

2003-09-18, 04:20 AM
How do I isolate these items? There are more than just walls...for instance, there is a new roof, I moved a bedroom, bathroom, rebuilt a patio room... Should I be able to create a view that is set to display only demo and new, then select everything and chane the phase created to none? It doesn't seem to work...I don't have a phase created option.

Beginning to... :banghead:

Ed: alright, I know when I am beaten...I reverted to an earlier version and did what you suggested...there were only a few items that were "new" and it went fast...I was just wondering if there was a way to just eliminate a phase...I think I will post this in wishlist

2003-09-18, 05:07 AM
Every element has a phase created and a phase demolished category in properties.

How to identify them, .... depends how you document. For instance, I have three plan views typically for a renovation project, - Level 1 Existing, Level 1 Demolished and Level 1 Proposed. In the demolished view, demo elements are shown red with a demolished linetype, so it's easy to identify for me or even the builder. ( well , it depends on the builder :wink: ). Existing stuff to remain gets a coloured fill also. I'm not saying I'm a documentation guru or my way is best, its just one possible approach. Works well for us anal types.

Should I be able to create a view that is set to display only demo and new, then select everything and change the phase created to none? Yes, .. but change the phase demolished to none.

2003-09-18, 07:21 AM
Yeah, umm, that is what I meant. Obviously. Time for bed now. :oops:

Oh, and thanks for the documentation tips...I am definitely not a documentation wizard. :roll:

If you maybe wanted to send me a template or something so I could see how you do it...hint, hint, HINT. :D