View Full Version : Masking Regions in Details

2009-12-23, 09:08 PM
An old drafting guideline was that your reference bubble was no smaller than your callout. If we do that in Revit on a small scale drawing the view reference is usually too large. To compensate I've been using hollowed out masking regions to limit the amount of model shown in the detail.

The problem comes when I place them on a sheet. Depending on the order of placement the masking region obscures detail information in other views! I would have sworn this was not the case in 2009 but I haven't confirmed that yet.

What I want know is if there's anything I'm missing. Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, how'd you handle it? If you're not dealing with this how do you feel about the super tiny reference bubble you inevitably end up with?

edit: Just went into 2009 to see if this happened there and it did... must not have run into the problem before now. Hmmmm.

Dimitri Harvalias
2009-12-23, 11:34 PM
At the risk sounding like an 'old drafting guideline' the reason this was a rule of thumb was to guide drafters into thinking "at what scale should I show this detail callout?"
I would ask myself, if the area being shown in the detail creates a callout boundary that small maybe the detail callout should occur on a larger sale floor plan.

I realize that there may be only one opportunity to show the callout but I would leave it the size that accurately reflects the view if that's the case.

just my $0.02:beer: