View Full Version : Raster Image, no linking abilities?

2009-12-30, 07:56 PM
In Revit 2010, is it STILL not possible to link raster images!? Or am I missing something? What good does the "Manage Images" tool do anyways?

2009-12-30, 08:11 PM
It doesnt do much, but lets you delete the "definition" of a picture, which is sometimes necessary if you want to delete and reimport a picture because you cant link it, lol.

I really want the AutoCAD reference manager in Revit. :)

2009-12-30, 08:22 PM
I really want the AutoCAD reference manager in Revit. :)

I like that idea. That would be helpful.

Thanks for the reply.

2010-04-21, 08:18 PM
Here's a kind of workaround I've been experimenting with: create a family with a URL instance parameter. In the model, you can edit this field and paste in the link to your image. This opens the image in a separate window, which is fine for my purposes (keeping track of lab equipment), but obviously not suitable if what you're trying to do is put a raster image into a rendering or something like that.

Having said that it's still a clunky method, and I'd appreciate being able to manage this kind of data in a more elegant way.