View Full Version : Trying to Render With Paint Bucket

2010-01-01, 11:25 PM
Hey everyone, RAC 2010 here, trying to do interior renderings. I created a new material that piggy backed off of an existing Finishes - Interior - Paint & Coatings, and created a Pantone Color Material. I then went to sections and 3D and applied the various colors and voila in shaded views the colors show as I'd expect. But when I go to render the dont appear. Even more wierd is that 3 random walls DO actually render with the color I selected? Renders are set to show complete...cant figure this out.

2010-01-02, 12:02 AM
Hey everyone, RAC 2010 here, trying to do interior renderings. I created a new material that piggy backed off of an existing Finishes - Interior - Paint & Coatings, and created a Pantone Color Material. I then went to sections and 3D and applied the various colors and voila in shaded views the colors show as I'd expect. But when I go to render the dont appear. Even more wierd is that 3 random walls DO actually render with the color I selected? Renders are set to show complete...cant figure this out.

You dont have a Material Override on the Graphics tab of the Phase manager, do you? And if so, is your Show Complete setting on "Overridden" or on "By catagory?"

2010-01-04, 04:07 PM
did you actually change the rendering material or just the shaded color?