View Full Version : Wall Layout / Temp Dimension Confusion

2010-01-02, 04:27 AM
I’ve got a dimension / layout dilemma with learning Revit and I know it’s probably my lack of knowledge about temporary dimensions that is causing my frustration. I know it’s got to be a simple answer but I sure haven’t come across it yet. I’m working my way through Mastering 2010 Revit Architecture book and I’ve gotten hung up on this layout / dimensioning problem.

I’ve done a search on “Temporary Dimension Settings” on this forum and I know how to change these settings to Face of Core. In most of the questions I’ve seen, the user’s problem is solved with changing the Temp Dim Settings but it doesn’t seem to work for me.

So, here’s my situation: I open a file and go to the Settings area of the Manage Tab, and I then change my temporary settings to Walls- Measure from Face of Core. For this example, I want to draw a 10’ x14’ rectangle with the 10 x 14 dimensions being measured from the outer face of the stud wall.

I then select a wood stud wall w/ siding (doesn’t seem to matter which one), make sure that the Location Line (on the Options bar) is set at “Core Face Exterior”, and then using the rectangle tool under the wall menu, I then draw a 10’ x 14’ rectangle, using the mouse to click the points when I see the temporary dimensions match the 10’ x 14’ shape that I want.

When I select either one of the horizontal or vertical walls, I would assume that the dimensions that appear would be measured from the face of core, since I set that setting in the Temporary Dimensions settings. Instead, it reads from the centerline of the wall. I know I can tab to select the proper face but since I’ve changed the Temporary Dimension settings, why isn’t the dimension shown as being from face of stud, rather than centerline of wall?

I also notice that when I’m drawing the rectangle, the temporary dimension settings are from the centerline of wall, rather than the face of core as I had selected in the Temporary Dimension settings. Why wouldn’t the temporary dimension settings show from face of core as I’m drawing the rectangle, rather than the centerline of the wall as it does now? Is there some setting that I’m not aware of that would make it do what I want it to do?

When I select one of the vertical walls, the temporary dimension that appears above the horizontal wall is for the distance from interior face of stud to interior face of stud, and since I want the exterior face dimension, I move the witness line locations at each of the vertical walls and the temporary dimension that shows up above the horizontal wall reads 14’-4 5/8”, rather than the desired 14’-0”. When I select on one of the horizontal walls, I move the witness lines as mentioned above, and the temporary dimension that appears adjacent to the vertical wall reads 10’-4 5/8” (shown from exterior face of stud to exterior face of stud).

In order to make the rectangle the true 10’ x 14’ (outer face of studs), I have to choose one of the walls, and move the witness lines to the outer face as desired, and then edit the temporary dimension to 14’ and then the same process for the 10’ dimension.

I know there has to be a much simpler way to achieve what I want but I haven’t come across it yet.

2010-01-04, 05:31 PM

This answer may not satisfy, but after using Revit for a while you'll learn not to get hung up on keying in precise values. It is just as fast (or faster) to lay out objects by approximation, and then fine tune their position relative to other objects.
The default location for temporary wall dimensions is always the centerline.


2010-01-05, 02:20 AM
Jay, thanks for your reply.
After I sent my question, I began thinking about the temporary dimension being located at the center of the wall while the wall is being drawn.

As I mentioned, I thought changing the temporary dimension setting to face of core would allow me to draw the wall at the right length. But in thinking about it some more, I thought "If I changed it to face of core, how would Revit know whether I wanted the interior face of the wall core or the exterior face?"

So I guess I'll get used to doing it the way that you suggested.