View Full Version : MI at the Keyboard

William Troeak
2010-01-06, 01:25 AM
When I select an object and then type MI on the keyboard Revit takes me to the recent files screen.

Is this normal? I could not find any documentation for it and don’t remember this happening before.

Any thoughts?

2010-01-06, 05:03 PM
MI is still Mirror for us. Which version are you running. In 2010 with the latest web updates installed there is a keyboard shortcut manager under User Interface on the View tab. This will allow you to sort for the MI shortcut and see if it has been mapped to a different command which could be causing the conflict. Without the update installed or in previous versions you'll need to read through the keyboard shortcut.txt file to hopefully find the offending line of code.

2010-01-06, 06:08 PM
You must have a keyboard shortcut set for MI to bring up that screen. MI does nothing for me, as I do not have that particular shortcut assigned to anything.

William Troeak
2010-01-06, 06:14 PM
I searched the Keyboard Shortcut.txt file and could not find any such shortcut assigned.

I will need to remember not to type MI.......must be having flashbacks of AutoCAD.

2010-01-06, 06:16 PM
I searched the Keyboard Shortcut.txt file and could not find any such shortcut assigned.

I will need to remember not to type MI.......must be having flashbacks of AutoCAD.

So you're not using the latest 2010 update?

If you expect MI to be some other function like Mirror, then go ahead and set MI to be Mirror in your keyboard shortcuts text file. If you put it in the section at the top of the list, it should override any other functions with MI attached to it.

William Troeak
2010-01-06, 06:39 PM
I guess I did not have the latest update installed. Now I see the shortcut in question
"MI" ribbon:"View-Windows-User Interface-Recent Files"

Not sure if I like this shortcut as it seems to work when a object is selected and when no objects are selected. I would think it should work only when no objects are selected.

2010-01-06, 07:07 PM
To me that seems like a odd command to have a shortcut for, especially a shortcut that doesn't have much of a logically connection to the command. I would assign MI to your usual command, just be sure to undefine it for the "MI" ribbon:"View-Windows-User Interface-Recent Files" command line. i.e. "" ribbon:"View-Windows-User Interface-Recent Files" or using the shortcut manager just select the ill behaving shortcut and click the "remove" button near the bottom right.