View Full Version : Wall Opening showing in wrong phase

2010-01-11, 01:09 PM
Hi all,

I am trying to show that what was a door in Existing is now a larger wall opening in New Construction.

Whenever I create the opening it is automatically created as an Existing phase component and so cuts the wall in my 'Existing' views...

I've tried demolishing the door and creating the opening in the 'New' wall built in its place, which does make the Opening 'New construction' - but it still shows in the existing wall and views!

You cannot change the Opening's created phase.

Any ideas?


2010-01-11, 01:15 PM
Create a new window family, which cotains nothing but the opening... This will cut an opening in the wall, and you can set it to whatever phase you like :beer:

2010-01-11, 03:04 PM
Nice workaround Munkholm :)

Is there any other way though?

Why is it always work arounds with Revit... It should just work.

2010-01-11, 03:44 PM
How are you creating this opening? In my opinion, it should be a family, not editing the wall's profile. We have a door family we use for wall openings (cased openings or otherwise) so that it can be scheduled if needed.

I have run into problems before when you have new wall inserts that have to cut both existing walls and new "infill" walls that are created from demolishing existing inserts. I think usually if I slide the new insert away from the existing insert/new infill, then slide it back, it will usually cut both (if the new insert is larger than the old insert/new infill).

As to why it's showing up as existing, I'm not sure. Can you post a small portion of the area you're having trouble with?

2010-01-11, 04:35 PM
I´m asuming that Jayc is trying to use the "Opening" tool in Revit - Doing that won´t allow him to use phases along with it.... so either a Door or Window family, or even just a generic wall based family (with a void cut) is nessecary...

Never liked the opening tool anyway, but yes, it SHOULD work with phases....

2010-01-12, 11:32 AM
Yea I'm using the Opening tool...

It seems the void family is the way to go then... Just wish it wasn't always a case of using work arounds all the time with this :|

2010-01-12, 04:12 PM
Yea I'm using the Opening tool...

It seems the void family is the way to go then... Just wish it wasn't always a case of using work arounds all the time with this :|

I wouldn't really call it a workaround. You're creating an opening in the wall, which families are perfectly suited for, especially if you need to schedule the opening.