View Full Version : Exterior ELevation - view line??

2010-01-12, 02:40 PM
I want to adjust the depth of my Elevation view. There used to be a line showing the plane where the view started associated to the Elevation tag, but when I click on the elevation tag now it does not show up. Can someone give me some advice? I have checked to make sure it was not turned off in VG. Thanks.

Regards Peter.

2010-01-12, 02:49 PM
Hey there,

Welcome to the world of those pesky little devils!
Make sure your view is not cropped at all and start panning and zooming around. These little "view lines" move around more than cockroaches do when the lights are turned on.
They are there, it is merely a game to find them!
Sometimes the elevation view itself gives you a clue where the line is.

Good luck

2010-01-12, 02:51 PM
Be sure you have "far clipping" set to something other than "no clip" in the properties of the elevation view. Once clipping is turned on you will get a shape handle that can be used to adjust the depth of the elevation.

2010-01-12, 03:18 PM
Thanks - for the tips.

Jeffh - I have changed to clip with line and I see the dashed "outline" or handles to adjust view depth but I do not see the line that shows where the elevation view starts?? In the default REVIT file it shows up as a light blue line, this is what I am looking for. I have geometry in my model that is showing up in front of where I want to have the elevation viewed. I need to move that line closer to my elevation face.

Any other suggestions?? THanks again for any advice.

Regards Peter.

2010-01-12, 03:31 PM
Well - I found it. It was hidden but not sure how to unhide it?? The elevation tag itself is not hidden, but when I push the "reveal hidden objects" button, and then select the grey elevation tag, the line shows up as a royal blue color, other than that it is invisible??? Strange. Can someone explain how I can get that line to be visible again? Thanks.

Regards Peter.

2010-01-12, 03:42 PM
Hey there,
Forgive me asking the obvious....are you clicking on the little triangle on the elevation callout?

2010-01-12, 06:52 PM
Well - I found it. It was hidden but not sure how to unhide it?? The elevation tag itself is not hidden, but when I push the "reveal hidden objects" button, and then select the grey elevation tag, the line shows up as a royal blue color, other than that it is invisible??? Strange. Can someone explain how I can get that line to be visible again? Thanks.

Regards Peter.

Right-click and chose Unhide In View