View Full Version : AU Posting Zone

2004-11-25, 12:29 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen -

Last year we had one location on AUGI for that everyone posted their AU information. Let's do it again.

For those of us fortunate enough to attend, let's share what we can with those that are not able to attend. Please post your AU information and photos here... Someone bring a camera to the Mixer!!!

Looking forward to it all -

2004-11-26, 05:31 PM
Good idea packing up the office now, flight tomorrow, Grand Canyon Monday!! Wooppee

Scott D Davis
2004-11-26, 09:41 PM
I'm bringing a digital camera.....

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-11-26, 11:34 PM

Not sure if you wanted that red text to be a link.. but it ain't :wink: (at least not in my browser)

2004-11-26, 11:45 PM
I think not. JB means for all AU postings to go in this thread.


Not sure if you wanted that red text to be a link.. but it ain't :wink: (at least not in my browser)

2004-11-27, 12:11 AM
I'm bringing a digital camera.....I volunteer you Mr. Davis as the "Official Revit Photographer"!!!

There is a little something in it for you too -

Thanks -

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-11-27, 09:39 AM
I think not. JB means for all AU postings to go in this thread.
<Homer mode on> DOH!! <Homer mode off>

Scott D Davis
2004-11-30, 12:00 AM
Okay! Checking in from AU! I'm standing at the Internet Cafe, catching up on the Revit forums.....saw JB, Jezyk, and Christie Landry so far. Looks like a good crowd this year already!

Cool shwag for checking in this year....a nice laptop bag, micro-mouse, and a USB password key for being a subscriber!

Looking forward to the Revit Mixer tonight, and I will be posting some pics later....since JB named me the 'official' photographer!

Til next time......

2004-11-30, 02:27 AM
I made it too!!!

about to head out to the mixer :beer: :Puffy: :beer:

David Conant
2004-11-30, 04:48 AM
See y'all tomorrow. Hope the mixer was fun.

2004-11-30, 05:23 AM
Posting live from the Revit Mixer at AU! We've had a great time! The Chumps were not stumped! The final score was 8.5 to 2.5......at least 200 people showed up to mingle with other Reviteers. Scott will be posting some pictures later!

Steve Cashman
2004-11-30, 09:42 PM
Due to the death of my father, I had to cancel AU at the last minute. For those of you there, I have a ticket to a 9:00 p.m. George Carlin show on Wednesday in the MGM Hollywood Theater. This is Carlin's last show at the MGM.

If anyone would like to purchase it for face value ($60.00), I can email it to you and you can send me a check. It's an electronic PDF ticket that can be printed.
It's Section 1, Row D, seat 44.

Let me know if your interested and have a great time at AU. I look forward to hearing about it and attending again next year.

Les Therrien
2004-12-01, 12:05 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Best wishes to you and your family.

Clyne Curtis
2004-12-01, 12:35 AM
Condolences to your family at this time of loss.

Take care

Steve Cashman
2004-12-01, 01:49 AM
Thanks. Nice license plate. :)

Dean Camlin
2004-12-01, 02:31 AM
I made it too, but there's an awful long line for the AUGI beer bash!

2004-12-01, 06:15 AM

Sorry to hear of your loss. I will collect as much vendor give aways as my bag will support and the airlines will permit over weight.

AU 2004 is going great and I am meeting new Revit users and regreeting Reviteers I met last AU 2003 and have exchanged Q&A on the discussion groups and emails. The conference from the Revit Mixer last night to the sessions today has be enlightening. Presentations on Revit 7 new features and existing tool enhancements has brought new insights and solutions to old problems modeling. Presentations on upcoming features and tools for Revit, such as Structural and MEP integrated solutions in Revit forecast a new and exciting collaboration between architects, structural and mechanical engineers.

You can pick up a bag of booty at the upcoming GCAUG Holiday meeting to be held at Oakton Community College in Desplaines, IL on December 8, 2004. See www.gcaug.com (http://www.gcaug.com/) for time and details. Or the Revit/ADT Users Group meeting to be held January 5, 2004 at AdTech/Safari Systems offices located at 524 Busse Highway in Park Ridge, IL. Further news will be posted on www.gcaug.com (http://www.gcaug.com/) and the upcoming Revit/ADT Users Group agenda to emailed on or about December 15, 2004.

Mel Persin, AIA

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-01, 05:29 PM
One of the most interesting sessions was yesterday afternoon's industry session with Bernstein, Rozmanith and company. Here I expected to see some directional comments on what Autodesk plans to do with Revit, ADT, Building Systems, etc.

They did not disappoint. The eternal Revit vs. ADT question is not going away since both products are going to live on (whether you like it or not).

Revit Structural is planned to be released next spring along with Revit 8. Revit Systems (the MEP version of Revit) is in development and may be released a year later -- no commitment on timing for that.

An API for Revit is coming, and I was enjoying a souped-up orange juice with David Conant while someone behind me was playing around with Revit 8 -- it gave up an error dialog while they were using it and the dialog itself was a dead giveaway on what the Revit API will be based on, even though I found out earlier in the day... No point in printing that out here since the general details of the Revit API will probably come out whenever R8 is made public as a coming release. There are no details about R8 kicking around except that one point of the R8 release is to align Revit's release cycles to the rest of Autodesk's products, and maybe to make public the API for Revit. Again, no details have been made public. Bernstein mentioned the letters "SEC" right from the podium, so you folks know the rules.

Revit Structural was shown, and it outputted a stick frame analysis to ETABS, wherein a column size was changed, and Revit read in that change and updated the model. Cool stuff and obviously happened because of an API.

The details of the Revit API aren't out for developers yet so no one knows what they will be able to dig out of the Revit model, or what we can control in Revit from outside, but the grand poobahs insinuated that Revit has a mature enough user base that things like an API are now becoming relevant. Hey, I'm mature. I have three kids and I'm in my mid 30's :mrgreen:

Autodesk's strategy is to keep just slightly ahead of the technology curve being used in the construction industry, and develop building modelling tools for all the disciplines before moving on to the problem of the so-called construction model being touted by Graphisoft. In most locations the construction industry doesn't know what to do with the virtual building anyway, and what's the point of one if you don't have all the disciplines in the model? I quite like Bernstein's common-sense approach to these problems: there is a vision that is being followed but it's hard to know how industry is going to respond to all this new data. The idea of a data model that is developed from massing right thru to detailing and then on into construction is years away from development -- it's not even being conceptualized yet. Graphisoft is biting off a huge problem with their construction modelling product and it remains to be seen whether their product will be adopted to any large degree, or their strategy makes any sense.

The Revit classes are bigger this year. Jim and Chris' From B to Z class was a large room of 300+ attendees where last year it was a cozy room of 50.

There's more users here and more posts than ever. The Revit family is becoming a throng. I guess the secret is out...

2004-12-01, 05:57 PM
My first AU has been great so far.

AS for meeting some of the forum members, I actually could associate some of the people with their avitars ;-).

It is wonderful to actually NOT have to type my conversations with people. There are many advantages in talking face-to-face with real, live people.

Hope to meet more of you at the "Birds-of-a-Feather" lunch.

Scott D Davis
2004-12-01, 10:42 PM
Everything is Revit this year! Just got out of the class by James from SOM...he was showing off some of the concepts behind the Freedom Tower....simply AWESOME!

Classes are packed, and people are excited about Revit. After the large BSD Industry Session, which is intended to highlight Autodesk building systems software, all the questions were Revit related!

Big news: for the first time Revit and ADT will work together! In Revit Structural, a user will have the ability to bring in an ADT model for analysis.....there will be no ADT structural tool, they will use the Revit solution!

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-01, 11:23 PM
So much for secrecy. The Revit API is being discussed rather publicly here, with .NET being the vehicle of choice for accessing the API.

So those of you whining for an API can now find something else to harp on. The API is out next year sometime, possibly with R8.

Reporting live from Las Vegas,

2004-12-02, 02:43 AM
Hey all,
Well, AU is very cool! The best part is meeting all of these incredible people who have only been names and avatars! (David really looks like that, and everybody else looks different than I pictured them.) It is fun!

Best part of AU:
#1 Everybody who is 'non-revit' is asking about Revit!
#2 Finally found out how they got "that" name.....Revise Instantly!

More fun and games on the way. Off to dinner/party!
Steve Shell

Steven Campbell
2004-12-02, 04:34 PM
I volunteer you Mr. Davis as the "Official Revit Photographer"!!!

There is a little something in it for you too -

Thanks -So where are the compromising photos Mr. Davis???
I want to see the lamp shades and toga pictures... :shock:

Roger Evans
2004-12-02, 04:41 PM
Somebody in someonelse's toga probably smashed his digital camera

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-02, 05:25 PM
Any of you looking for me down here: check my profile -- I've got my real picture in there. Don't run around looking for Shawn Wallace :mrgreen:

There's a few of you that I've never met and I've been keeping an eye on name tags since I don't know what you look like.

Drop by and see the funky Revit rendering at our booth -- that thing was modelled and rendered 100% in Revit!

Roger Evans
2004-12-02, 06:44 PM
post a photo of the booth why don't ya and is Rhys behaving himself?

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-02, 06:49 PM
I tried to locate Rhys last night (Scott D says he'll track him down for us) and I brought my camera but forgot the USB connector to my laptop so I could uploads pics while I'm here. Doh!

2004-12-02, 07:27 PM
All I can say is WOW! I'm so stoked that this year's AU is actually better than last year. Having a great time and getting to meet so many fascinating and intelligent colleagues in the industry. Here's a few snapshots I've gathered so far...

1. The AU Main Stage
2. Scott Bourdin and Matt Jezyk showing off a familiar project
3. Dean Kamen - inventor of the Segway (Amazing keynote address! Check out www.usfirst.org)

2004-12-02, 07:29 PM
Some more of the Vegas area...

1. Venice in Vegas (The Venetian)
2. Paris in Vegas (Paris Hotel)
3. Forum Shops at Caesars Palace
4. Circular escalators in Forum Shops (cool!)

2004-12-02, 07:30 PM
More people at AU...

1. Jim Balding & Steve Stafford
2. Marty Rozmanith, Rick Rundell & Christy Landry

Scott D Davis
2004-12-02, 08:39 PM
And here are some more pics from the "Official" photographer! (note: it doesn't say 'professional' photographer...)

1. Steve Stafford and Chris Zoog at the Revit Mixer
2. Phil Bernstein and Marty Rozmanith at the Mixer
3. Some of the crowd at the Mixer

Scott D Davis
2004-12-02, 08:45 PM
More Mixer photos!

1. The Stump the Chump panel. L to R seated , Steve Stafford, Chris Zoog, James Vandezande, and Wes Macaulay, Standing: Marty Rozmanith, Scott Brown, and Phil Read. (with Steve "Rock Star" Shell in the forground)
2. The "panel", Jim Balding, and a solution on the screen!

3. Matt Jezyk, modeling for the Chumps

Scott D Davis
2004-12-02, 08:46 PM
The crowd at the Mixer

2004-12-02, 08:50 PM
Who's the biker guy featured in half the pictures? ;)

Oh - I see - Steve Shell.

Scott Hopkins
2004-12-02, 09:01 PM
Who's the biker guy featured in half the pictures? ;)

Thats Bon Jovi! Didn't you guys know he is an avid Revit user?

Steven Campbell
2004-12-02, 09:02 PM
More people at AU...
1. Marty Rozmanith, Rick Rundell & Christy LandryMissed one look behind Christy sitting at the table, looks like Nicolas Mangon checking his email... Caught you & now why haven't you answered my email... ;) hehe..

2004-12-03, 12:45 AM
post a photo of the booth why don't ya and is Rhys behaving himself?i'm behaving Roger at least in public. Anyway no one knows who I am without the puppy mask.

2004-12-03, 08:43 AM
I circulated a picture and fingerprints before you left the country, Rhys.

2004-12-03, 04:10 PM
I just got back home after taking the red-eye last night. I went to every Revit class except for the one today. I don't under why Autocad is still around. The theme at AU was, "Autocad can't do that." After seeing the new features in 7.0.....WOW! If you missed AU this year, you have to go next year. It was great learning experience. Now back to the real world.

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-03, 04:31 PM
Yeah, and lucky you, you'll probably be able to walk to AU next year ;)

2004-12-03, 05:02 PM
Where is AU going to be next year?

2004-12-03, 05:23 PM
Orlando ,FL

2004-12-03, 05:25 PM
Orlando is about 2 1/2 hours away by car. I would rather go to a city other than Orlando.

Roger Evans
2004-12-03, 07:05 PM
Why not hire a cruise ship? Needs to be on some calm seas ~
though could be just moored up in some attractive exotic location ~
Swansea springs to mind

2004-12-04, 01:01 AM
It might be a tad cold in December in Swansea, why not try the waters immediately off Hallett Cove, located in St Vincent's Gulf... :grin:

Roger Evans
2004-12-04, 01:17 AM
OK .... but send a map.

2004-12-04, 02:07 AM
will this do... ideally moored off "Glenelg" or a tad lower south (north is at top of map)

Roger Evans
2004-12-04, 02:50 AM
Sod the AU that looks wonderful .. what a coastline

2004-12-04, 02:51 AM
Las Vegas was great like a cross between Times Sq, Picadilly Circus and Blackpool without the rain.
All the West Coast people complained about the cold, wimps! it was like a spring day, June even, in the Cotswolds.
AU finished this morning and the MGM has lost the Nerds with Laptops and strollers and been taken over by Cowboys with boots and Stetsons. Its the National Rodeo Final this weekend weehaa!! We'll miss it flight home Sat morning, that will wipe out the weekend. Looking forward to a warm British beer or several, though.

Roger Evans
2004-12-04, 03:08 AM
Have a nice flight home Rhys .. sorry don't know how to tell you this but the puppy did a whoopsie in your slippers after he chewed them up a bit. When I went at him with a rolled up newspaper he legged it & knocked over both your monitors. The screens should be ok after a hot iron if you are not insured, which after reading the terms and conditions of your policy you are not. I've left him tied up in the toilet with a few of your wife's coats and left a few windows open to air the house a bit. Keys are under the brick by the front door.

2004-12-04, 06:35 AM
Have a nice flight home Rhys .. sorry don't know how to tell you this but the puppy did a whoopsie in your slippers after he chewed them up a bit. When I went at him with a rolled up newspaper he legged it & knocked over both your monitors. The screens should be ok after a hot iron if you are not insured, which after reading the terms and conditions of your policy you are not. I've left him tied up in the toilet with a few of your wife's coats and left a few windows open to air the house a bit. Keys are under the brick by the front door. Fortunately Roger you didn't take me up on our kind offer to visit the Cotswolds daily. So your scenario belongs to a parallel universe much like Las Vegas itself which inhabits the space time continuum somewhere between planets Zog 1 and Zog 2 that's "Zog" of course not "Zoog", which is another reality entirely.

Scott D Davis
2004-12-04, 06:48 AM
I know "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" but.....

James let me play with his Tower today.....:grin:

Oops, I mean James let me play with his model of the Freedom Tower today! OMG! It is truely AWESOME! A work of art in itself.

2004-12-04, 08:33 AM
Both "James" V and B gave classes that were impressive, useful and inspiring at AU. SOM's second pilot project just says it all, in terms of commitment, to Revit and so much more...

David Kim
2004-12-04, 05:21 PM
I agree on SOM's Freedom Tower project, WOW!

This week was exhausting and would have to empathize with those who crossed the pond for AU. I was privileged to attend my friend's wedding (Solomon Smith, fellow Revit user) in Rome, Italy the week before AU but despite the lack of sleep and trying to catch up with my architectural work during the night after classes in my hotel room, AU is such an awesome learning experience.

Looking forward to next year, hopefully the classes for Revit will evolve into more segmented tracks for new users and those for intermediate and advanced users. It seems there were enough users on both sides and guess the only downside will be the conflict of what to choose.

2004-12-04, 08:25 PM
Well that was my first AU and...WOW...I am so glad I went.

I originally went in hopes of learning more about the software I admire most; and I was not disappointed. But the convention gave me an opportunity to meet those who have made this program what it is today. From members of AUGI to software designers to Autodesk support...it was a pleasure spending time with you all and I look forward to next year with excitement.

Leaving on Fri and just after a hands on lab with I noticed an inspiring project to put my new found tools to the test. You'll see here the Coca-Cola building that after playing with massing on 7.0 I finished in all of 20 min. The information I'd be able to schedule would make my contractor jump at the chance to give me an all expense paid trip to Orlando next Nov 30.

Thank you all for a very enjoyable time and I look forward to seeing you all here on AUGI and next year in Orlando.

2004-12-04, 08:58 PM
Leaving on Fri and just after a hands on lab with I noticed an inspiring project to put my new found tools to the test. You'll see here the Coca-Cola building that after playing with massing on 7.0 I finished in all of 20 min. .
Hey Steve,

It was great to meet you this week.

Funny you mentioned the 50' tall Coca-Cola bottle at the MGM that's made out of curtain wall. We actually used this as a precedent for the new Curtain Systems in Revit 7. I remember taking pictures of it at the last AU!

2004-12-04, 11:01 PM
My first AU as well as my first trip to Vegas. AU was very impressive. The classes were all quite informative. I particularly liked David Conant's " Building Stronger Families" class. His Luxo lamp was an eye opener to the possibilities of the new reference line feature. Nested families and formulas were also well presented. The other class that widened my eyes was Chris Zoog's Design Options class. It gave me a whole new way of looking at design options.
Unfortunately I came down with a nasty cold the first day and wasn't up to hanging around in the evenings so I met fewer Reviter's than I expected. Not being a drinker was probably an impediment as well :-)
All in all it was time very well spent. I can't say I would be disappointed if it weren't in Las Vegas next year.

Joe Feldman

2004-12-05, 02:06 AM
This was not my first AU but my fifth, the first four years were really good but the fifth (now known as AU Revit) has been the best! A big "Whoa" Revit team.
Next year we need to find a way to have our avatars on our badges. Lot of fun meeting the face behind the avatar.

Looks like you get your wish, welcome to Disney, Orlando, Florida.
Not Las Vegas, but the 'Mic' has an adult side in the evening. Disney Boardwalk is adjacent to Swan, Dolphin and has adult entertainment in the evening. Also 'Disney Paradise Island' is a free Disney bus ride away with dancing, dining, and all adult after hours entertainment.

I'll miss Las Vegas, but will enjoy showing off this side of the pond to everyone.

To the Revit team, if your looking for volunteers I just threw my hat in the ring.

2004-12-05, 02:36 AM
Oh well, I guess it will have to be Florida. I was hoping for someplace that wasn't "themed". I would have prefered someplace like Chicago or New York. I suspect that by next year there are going to be a lot more Reviters and either more courses or larger rooms will be needed. Should be previewing 9.0 by then :-)


2004-12-05, 05:20 AM
ahhhh... AU what can I say..... a week like no other......

I'm still trying to digest everything that happened....

I, of course, had a fantastic time. It was great seeing the old Revit gang again, and meeting a lot of new Revit users. All of the classes were great and I learned something new in all of them. :-) I did lose my voice and barely made it through my own presentations :neutral:

I had some great conversations with some of the developers, as well as the rest of the Revit / autodesk staff. The future is really bright!!!!

made some great connections.......the nightlife was awesome.... weds night especially... stayed out way to late.... but i did get to see a cool tattoo that a certain Revit employee just got ;)

I'll write more later.... I'm still trying to catchup on sleep!!!

2004-12-05, 05:51 AM
All I can say is WOW! I'm so stoked that this year's AU is actually better than last year. Having a great time and getting to meet so many fascinating and intelligent colleagues in the industry. Here's a few snapshots I've gathered so far...

1. The AU Main Stage
2. Scott Bourdin and Matt Jezyk showing off a familiar project
3. Dean Kamen - inventor of the Segway (Amazing keynote address! Check out www.usfirst.org) (http://www.usfirst.org))
Here are a few pictures from Shaan Hurley's site of our Freedom Tower mainstage presentation. Our favorite program shown on 20' tall projectors to around 4000 people:shock: .


Thanks to everyone for a great AU! It was pretty wild seeing the sheer number of people in Revit classes this year. And, as always, it's the informal conversations and networking that really made it worthwhile and memorable.

2004-12-05, 05:59 AM
More Mixer photos!

1. The Stump the Chump panel. L to R seated , Steve Stafford, Chris Zoog, James Vandezande, and Wes Macaulay, Standing: Marty Rozmanith, Scott Brown, and Phil Read. (with Steve "Rock Star" Shell in the forground)
2. The "panel", Jim Balding, and a solution on the screen!

3. Matt Jezyk, modeling for the Chumps
I thinkg Scott and I were taking pics at the same time at the mixer. Here are a few of mine.

Scott D Davis
2004-12-05, 06:40 AM
AU 2004 was a blast! We had a great time this year. Like Zoog said, it was great to see those we met last year, and really nice to meet so many new people this year. Thanks to so many of you for making sure you came by to say "Hi" and introduce yourself. It only makes our community stronger when we start connecting on a personal level.

Classes this year were great, and there was such an energy about Revit. From the key note address to the industry sessions, Revit was definately the hot topic. People are finally starting to realize what many of us have been saying for a while now: Revit is an incredible piece of software!

I also learned some new terms: Revitology, Revitiamo (in Italian), and not really a new one, but its still fun to say "bidirectional associativity" (James, your dollar is in the mail :shock: ).

The AU experience this year started out with the Revit Mixer, and the Stump the Chump competition. That was fun night, and a great way to get things kicked off. Thanks to JB for getting that event organzied for us! More photos are coming.....

Tuesday classes began with Revit B to Z, and in classic fashion, Balding and Zoog capivated the audience of at least 200 or more people. (Last year, there was probably 50!)

Wednesday, long day of classes, as there was 5 Revit classes, starting at 8:00am and wrapping up at 6:30pm. They were all great, including James' "You can't do that with Revit" where he showed off some of the Freedom Tower model, and Balding and Brown's "Schedule anything with Revit." Wednesday night was the Mad Labs party for the BSD crowd, followed by Dr. Ruth, the classic rock cover band that just simply rocked the house! Mental images of the night: JB dancing with Lynn Allen to "Play that Funky Music, White Boy" and Christie Landry with blue hair at the Mad Labs party.

Thursday, five more Revit classes, kicked off with Zoog and Revit Design options, where Chris showed some really incredible examples of how to use design options to their fullest! Marty Rozmanith's Revit free-form Shapes class showed the power of Revit to model such things as Hadid and Gehry projects. David Conant and Steve Stafford's class on Revit Families was really good. This showed the power of the familiy editor, especially now in 7.0 with the introduction of Ref Lines! Thursday night was dinner and a comedy show (which I missed!) where the comdeian was an ex-engineer! I was told he had the audience crying with laughter! Then it was off to Teatro and Club 54 for some Vegas nightlife.....

Friday morning was a little rough getting out of bed...but we made it (most of us on time :wink: ) for Matt Jezyk's Lab on Whats New in Revit 7.0. Although handouts were a bit delayed, Christie and Lily from Autodesk kicked off the class as the opening act, and then Matt took over and wowed the crowd with the new features of Revit 7.0. Be sure to watch the Tips and Tricks for a few new ones coming soon, including a quick way to do 3D detailing that will blow your mind if you haven't already figured it out!

So once again, thanks to everyone for making AU a success once again, and thanks to all those who I met this year and in the past for continuing to remind me why I enjoy doing this so much. Hopefully I will see you all again next year in Orlando, where I hope to be teaching a few classes of my own!

2004-12-05, 07:08 AM
Just for the record, I second everything said above. AU was fantastic.

Problem is, I'm still here. Figured I came all this way, might as well play through the weekend. I'm down to my last dime. Literally. I've got to get out of this town.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to a great week.

David Nilsson
Randall-Paulson Architects

2004-12-05, 04:50 PM
Hey all,

Well, two nights sleep to catch up! That says it all. I had a great time at my first AU meeting everyone. The week flew by and I am still digesting everything too; however, I must say that I enjoyed meeting you all more than anything else. (Thank god I am already "sold" on Revit, because, if I wasn't, I would have really felt out of place, or like I was missing the boat and behind the times! You now know me, always up on the "latest" technology and keeping up on what's new! LOL!!!)

They say that children are a reflection of their parents. Well, with that in mind, it is no wonder Revit is such a "cool kid" after meeting all the "family"!

Thanks everyone
Steve Shell

Nice Coke bottle Steve!

2004-12-05, 07:03 PM
Hey All,

My first AU and a great one it was. It was really rewarding to see so many people checking out Revit for the first time and also meet the "faithful" face to face. I pretty sure everyone had a good time. Working the floor half the people I demoed to weren't architects. The word is getting out about Revit Systems and Structural so interest was huge. Thanks for all those completing great projects, teaching classes and spreading the word. I couldn't help but notice the expressions on a few of the people in David's "Stronger Families" class. They came to check Revit out and realized it was much farther along then they imagined and they had some catching up to do. The rest of the class was soaking it up!

Time for another nap.....


2004-12-05, 09:51 PM
I too echo the sentiments said here by everyone! It was great fun!

Riding David Conant's coat tails was fun in the Building Stronger Families class and I stayed tomato free! (maybe the search for tomato(e)s when people entered helped with that though?)You can't help but look smart when the tool you use is smarter than you right?:wink:

I really want to thank BeeGee and PeterJ for covering for those of us who abandoned the forums (except for updates) while attending AU and kept the answers and advice readily available for those asking. Thanks guys!! This same thanks applies to our members who covered for us as well. As the days go by, there are more and more of you adding value to this community and for that we are both impressed and grateful!

2004-12-05, 10:42 PM
No worries Steve.

I think we’ve cleared away all the pizza and pie wrappers from the General Forum, but the beer stains on the Tips Forum will need a professional fix, I think.

The injunction taken out by the neighbours over at CWC will get sorted out too, I’m sure. The police were really quite understanding.

Sorry about the hole in the wall of the Gallery, but a good plasterer should do wonders with that.

Oh yes,… Pete broke your large screen plasma TV in the Hardware Forum. Something he did with the remote and the upload attachments when he was trying to impress a couple of young ladies…. But it’s still under warranty I’m sure.

PS, We kept our keys so that we can call in to watch the footy when you’re away next weekend.

Thanks mate.

2004-12-06, 12:39 AM
...Pete broke your large screen plasma TV in the Hardware Forum...That's okay, we've got a new bigger one on order anyway...:beer:

David Kim
2004-12-06, 02:00 AM
Quick question,
I was hoping to ask Matt this question in his "Get Updated on the New Autodesk Revit 7.0" class but I had to run to catch my flight out.

What is the status of the ARS, Autodesk Revit Series CD's and the serial numbers?


2004-12-06, 05:49 AM
Will any of the sessions be available for download?

Particularly interesting in David's Building stronger families session.


Scott D Davis
2004-12-06, 06:12 AM
The handouts will be available for download in the next few weeks.

2004-12-06, 08:05 PM
I also had an excellent time at AU. It was encouraging to observe the level of interest in the software, and also to confirm that we (at Little Diversified) are ahead of most of our competition in embracing this technology. I'm sure that statement applies to many others (you know who you are).

I was among the fortunate users attending one of the executive briefings presented by Autodesk BSD V.P.'s Jay Bhatt and Phil Bernstein, who spoke unequivocally about the company's future software development plans.

“Evolving technologies promise to affect the ways that architects design, constructors build, and clients operate their projects. As industry professionals face the challenges of building in today's complex environment, will technology truly save the day?”
That’s from a synopsis of Phil’s upcoming presentation at an AIA sponsored event in Connecticut. For anyone who has the opportunity to attend one of these, I highly recommend doing so.


2004-12-06, 09:59 PM
I liked driving the Segway Scooter the best!!! Dean Kamen's Keynote presentation on innovation was great. Seeing the SOM freedom tower project in front of all the attendees was just awesome. I hope that finally kills the Revit myths that have hung on for so long.

Marty's Presentation on creating Gehry like buildings was great too. Another myth shot down in a big way. Dream it/Mass it/Build it.

2004-12-07, 04:00 AM
Something is shakin' on Shakedown Street alright and its REVIT.

The Segway was also very cool. It was the simplest thing I have ever ridden. I wanted to take it back to the hotel to cut down on the commute to the conference center from NY NY!

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-07, 04:20 AM
Oh man. No kidding... my feet were killing me by the end of the week. While the temps were mild the air was bone dry and we West Coasters just stood out in the rain, hydrating on the Vancouver tarmac.

2004-12-07, 04:55 AM
we West Coasters just stood out in the rain, hydrating on the Vancouver tarmac.

It was great stepping off the plane in Victoria and breathing in the damp ocean air, with just a hint of the Crofton pulp mill mixed in with the jet fuel. Or was it Howe Sound Pulp? Oh well, you get the picture.

2004-12-07, 05:03 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen -

While there were many great moments at AU this year, the one memory that is burned into my brain is Steve Stafford riding away on the Segway, while the woman hosting the ride was chasing him saying, "OK that's far enough... can you please come back now... Sir, sir.... OK, come on back now... bring it on back.... " All the while Steve is riding proud up and down the aisles!!!


It was great to see all of you again and meet the others there for the first time!!!

See you in 05 -

Rachel Ritchie
2004-12-07, 01:08 PM
I asked Christie Landry that exact question...when is Revit Series for 7.0 going to be available and she said two weeks tops! But I would like to ask that in the future, Autodesk make the series download available at the same time as regular 7.0 or at least not quite so much time in between.

2004-12-07, 01:46 PM
eegbertson, finaly the first person to identify my avatar. Don't tell me this town aint got no heart... you just got to poke around... (or keep clicking until the computer does what you want it to.)

2004-12-07, 01:48 PM
Curious who the rock-n-roller is in the 3rd picture? Ah, never mind--Steve Schell. Now I get his new forum title!

Also, glad to see you all got the needed shots of everybody stuffing their faces! Shame I missed out. :(

2004-12-09, 08:19 PM
My first AU experience was great and am looking forward to next year. I must say I enjoyed meeting all of the Revit users and putting a face to an avatar. Thank you to all who took time to discuss Revit and to the instructors for their time and inspiration. Thank you.

If anyone is coming to Whitefish this winter to ski the "Big" make sure to look me up. Finally I hope everyone has a happy Holiday Season and wishing you all the success in the upcoming year.


2004-12-10, 02:12 AM
Curious who the rock-n-roller is in the 3rd picture? Ah, never mind--Steve Schell. Now I get his new forum title!
Yeah, I get that a lot. "Hey look, a rock star...oh, never mind, it's just Steve."
But seriously, I like the forum title. (That just so happens to match what some call me around here.) "He who hung it" must have been either a mind reader or a drummer or, maybe both in this case.


2004-12-16, 09:25 AM
I am sure It was great... now what?

2004-12-17, 08:44 PM
Yeah, I get that a lot. "Hey look, a rock star...oh, never mind, it's just Steve."
But seriously, I like the forum title. (That just so happens to match what some call me around here.) "He who hung it" must have been either a mind reader or a drummer or, maybe both in this case.

That *wasn't* meant as a cut on you!!

2004-12-17, 11:59 PM
Hey Abe,
Didn't take as one. No worries.