View Full Version : Global Titleblock Control?

2010-01-14, 06:43 PM
We have a number of preset titleblocks for various clients and it would be nice if we could perform a global edit of our template titleblocks rather than having to select each sheet and then modify its titleblock.

Has anyone assigned a parameter that can drive the titleblock selection? If this is possible then we could group select the various sheets and modify the parameter to drive the titleblock selection.

2010-01-14, 06:52 PM
Not sure what you're trying to control but a Type parameter should work for you. You could also do a Select All Instances and modify them that way.

2010-01-14, 07:14 PM
Are these different titleblocks all used in a single project? Or are they just various titleblocks that get used in various different projects? If the former, then yes you should be able to make use of the included titleblock parameters, or create new ones. If the latter, then no you'll have to edit each one individually.

Our office moved a couple of years ago, so I had to go through and edit every single titleblock we have (almost 40) and edit the address information on each one. It was pretty tedious.

2010-01-14, 07:22 PM
Can't you just make the title block a reference file for your project with layers that you can turn off and on for titles (details, plan, ets.)? That's what FDOT use to do a few years back.

2010-01-14, 07:27 PM
Can't you just make the title block a reference file for your project with layers that you can turn off and on for titles (details, plan, ets.)? That's what FDOT use to do a few years back.

lol this ain't AutoCAD. No references or layers here. ;) Title blocks in Revit exist as families (similar to Blocks in ACAD) that, once loaded into a project, exist solely and completely in the project. You can edit the family itself, but those changes do not populate to projects until that revised family is loaded into each project.

2010-01-14, 07:33 PM

The title blocks are client specific. Within a project we have only two titleblock types the cover sheet and the body sheet. So to answer your question it would appear we fall into the latter category relative to my inquiry.

Looks like this might be a attribute best solved by an External App. Not within my skill set.

2010-01-14, 07:36 PM

The title blocks are client specific. Within a project we have only two titleblock types the cover sheet and the body sheet. So to answer your question it would appear we fall into the latter category relative to my inquiry.

Looks like this might be a attribute best solved by an External App. Not within my skill set.

Yes or perhaps some kind of batch file (like the one that updates all families in a folder to the current version). May I ask what you need to update on each titleblock? Something specific to your office I'm guessing?

2010-01-14, 07:55 PM
One possible solution would be to look at the template title blocks as a generic place holder where you would load a different clients titleblock into the template with the same name overwriting the template version.

This requires you to think outside of the Revit box but it would be quicker. I need to explore this approach further.

2010-01-14, 08:25 PM
Yep that's the ticket. Having various titleblocks with the same name and then loading the specific clients titleblock into the template to overwrite all sheets in the set works fine. We just have to organize our library of titleblocks to accommodate this approach. The time savings is great.

Sorry I let my fingers get ahead of my brain on this one. Should have contemplated this further since the solution is so simple.

Thanks all for letting me bounce this off of you.

2010-01-19, 02:54 AM
We have a Few Standard Title blocks. When a New Project is started, and we need to add a Image to the Set - We just edit the Family, Load it back into the Project & make sure we don't save it back to the Company Library.
This allows us the flexibility of only having to keep up to date with a few title block families - an the Projects them selves contain the edited one's.

2010-01-19, 07:58 AM
If your titleblocks look different from client to client then cek I believe you have found a really good solution to the problem. If it has more to do with parameters and/or company logo's then dstairmand has a good solution aswell. I would suggest looking at making project parameters for titleblocks aswell if you have parameters that need to be adjusted on all the titleblocks to reflect the same information.

2010-01-19, 12:53 PM
We overwrite the one with the standard name as well, when we add client information to it. "TTL-2436-CD" is in the template, and if someone wants to add a clients logo, they edit the family and add the logo and reload. They cant write back to the directory its saved in, so its a non-issue.

If youre not comfortable loading it back in with the same name, do a save as. Then select one of the originals, and select all instances, and change it. Takes one extra click...