View Full Version : Simplyfy paste?

Gadget Man
2004-11-25, 01:38 PM
Hi there again,

It might sound a little silly, but I seem to have a small problem with something as trivial as pasting in Revit.

What I mean is when I want to copy something (let's say some details, notes or whatever) from one drawing sheet to another (or from one view to another), on the "target" sheet I can see the highlighted silhouette of my objects I am about to paste in it's original position (as on the "source" sheet) plus a cursor waiting for me to "click" on the new (paste) position. Often it happens that I want to paste them in EXACTLY same position as they were on the "source" sheet, but what do I press? I tried <ENTER>, <SPACE> and some other ("obvious choice") keys before "clicking" a mouse button, but nothing works. What I've been forced to do is to "drop" my selection anywhere and than to move it into position. Seems to be rather primitive way for something so simple...

Am I missing something?

Do you know how to go around it?

2004-11-25, 02:19 PM
Try using Edit>Paste Aligned>Current view. Its a command to do excatly what I think you want.

Gadget Man
2004-11-25, 02:27 PM

Of course!!! Well... When everything else fails - read Instruction Manual... (browse through Menu options in this case!)

2004-11-25, 03:12 PM
Hey there,
Yes, paste aligned is the way to go; however, if you forgot and just hit "paste" on the tool bar, you get what you described. If you zoom into a corner of the red highlighted item to be pasted, you will notice a dashed box around the object(s). Simply place the new "floating" black dashed box directly over the red dashed box until both disappear. You can then click to paste and it will be perfectly aligned.
It is almost like Revit first places the pasted objects in a 'paste aligned' position, but is waiting for you to confirm it just in case you really didn't want it aligned.
I use this a bunch when I copy entire old T.I. plans into a new project when it is time to remodel for a new Tenant.

Good luck
Steve Shell
Remember, there are no dumb questions! (only silly answers)

Martin P
2004-11-25, 03:44 PM
Simply place the new "floating" black dashed box directly over the red dashed box until both disappear. You can then click to paste and it will be perfectly aligned.

Hi Steve,

mmmmmm....dont want to worry you but wont be 100% correct that way, I'd be careful using that a lot - tiny difference but I'm a bit obesessive about the millilmetres and less!! - It would be very nice to just press enter though to confirm the aligned location that revit seems to know straight off...

2004-11-25, 04:36 PM
It would be very nice to just press enter though to confirm the aligned location that revit seems to know straight off...
Martin hit the nail on the head! It seems too simple and logical to just give that as an option, rather than making you back out and try again with a few more menu clicks.

Scott D Davis
2004-11-25, 04:38 PM
I'll vote for that! Just hit enter to paste at same place!

2004-11-25, 05:16 PM
Or use a keyboard shortcut.

Hey, what's the usefulness of Paste-SamePlace. Doesn't Paste-CurrentView do the same thing? I read the Help page on this, but I didn't get the nuance.

Geof Narlee

2004-11-25, 09:15 PM
Current View: pastes the copied elements to the current view. For example, you can paste elements from a plan view to a callout view. The view must be different from the view where the elements were copied.

Same Place: pastes the copied elements into the same place you copied them from. This is useful for pasting elements between worksets or design options. Also, you can use it to paste between two files that have shared coordinates.

Or use a keyboard shortcut.

Hey, what's the usefulness of Paste-SamePlace. Doesn't Paste-CurrentView do the same thing? I read the Help page on this, but I didn't get the nuance.

Geof Narlee

2004-11-26, 04:15 AM
Thanks, beegee. That's funny. I use them all the time and still couldn't get it straight in my head...oh, my head, my head...