View Full Version : Room validation

clog boy
2010-01-19, 10:32 AM
Certain residential rooms need to meet a set of rules, such as minimum height and minimum dimensions. Think living rooms, bedrooms, etc.
I've made a rectangular component that checks rectangular rooms for size and area, to validate rooms for such conditions. It's using some pretty awesome formulas. A warning is displayed when a room gets too small, unless you indicate that people don't actually have to 'live' there. The border changes accordingly.

Now what I want to know is what conditions (in terms of dimensions) a room must meet in your country to actually 'support life' so I can share a few localised versions for other countries. Have 'em coming: dimensions, units, names... report improvements, share and repost maintaining the original author details.

Scott Womack
2010-01-20, 01:09 PM
Our North American building codes require a minimum height of 6'-8" clear, and the room size relates more to handicapped accessibility at the door, than it does to the ability to occupy the room. That clearance at the door then depends upon the hardware installed on the door to determine the clearances required on each side of the door.

This family would have use here for programing purposes. We'd need to customize it for every project, but it is still useful!