View Full Version : Inch marks appear different

Eric Stewart
2010-01-19, 08:36 PM
Why would inch marks appear different from one text object to the next. They are both the same style.

See the image. I selected both text objects to show they are indeed the same style.


Eric Stewart
2010-01-19, 08:45 PM
Apparently, someone thought it would be a good idea to use Alt+0148 in place of "

2010-01-19, 08:53 PM
Why would inch marks appear different from one text object to the next. They are both the same style.

See the image. I selected both text objects to show they are indeed the same style.


Any chance the text was copied from Word or the like? It looks like the lower option uses "smart quotes", which are a different ASCII character. You can use control codes in Revit text to get them (I think) but control codes are a pain and I doubt anyone would bother. But you get them rather easily when you cut n paste from Word, and one document might have them, and another not. Or one document could have them turned on for the creation of one note, and off for another.

EDIT: Wow, someone actually bothered to use control codes? First time for everything I guess. ;)
