View Full Version : How do I create this stair

Nic M.
2003-09-19, 07:00 PM
I have the treads (in place family) but don't know how to make the stringer.

The railing is a total blank

Thanks for any info

Phil Read
2003-09-22, 10:59 PM
Nic -

The file for the entire stair and associated baluster family is too large to upload. Please email me personally and I'll send the file. I've attached an image for your reference.

All the best -

Phil Read
Autodesk Revit

2003-09-22, 11:38 PM
Phew, thats one kick@$$# stair phil !

A bit of discussion on how you did that wouldn't go astray, if you have the time.

Scott Hopkins
2003-09-22, 11:45 PM
Very impressive stair! That image looks like it is ready to be slapped on the latest Revit 6.0 promotional brochure. The glass rails may need some vertical supports - or are the cables supporting them too small to see?

2003-09-23, 03:05 AM
Can you actually get spiral/curved glass like that...if so, where?

Nic M.
2003-09-23, 06:56 AM
Indeed, kick@$$# stair phil,

How did you do it?

From Belgium

Phil Read
2003-09-23, 01:09 PM
The idea is pretty basic. You know you can create and specify a custom baluster (and that balusters can be defined to occur only once per tread)? So rather than create a baluster which is shaped like a baluster - I've created a baluster which is shaped like a complex tread.

This baluster is assigned to the one of the railings associated to the circular stairs (along with the railing profiles). The stairs (treads, risers, etc) have been turned off in this view. Since balusters don't show up in plan (it's hard wired) you could show the treads and such in those views.

Oh yeah - if this were to coexist with some other stairs, I'd create it as one instance in a separate project, export it to DWG and then import to the family editor and then placed around a project like any family. The material assignments will hold.

I've marked up the previous image a bit - see attached.

All the best,

Phil Read
Autodesk Revit

2003-09-23, 01:29 PM
Very nice work, its great to have multiple users showing off their tricks, this is excellent.

2003-09-23, 03:26 PM
That's the coolest thing I've seen in Revit.

2003-12-18, 09:30 PM
Cool Stair Phil and thanks for the explanation with it as well!

Phil Read
2003-12-19, 03:13 AM
Heya Marcel - is that you?

Yeah - 'properly misusing' the baluster component adds lots of flexibility with regard to what can be accomplished with the stair tool. ;)


2003-12-19, 04:29 AM
Phil, would you mind " properly misusing" the baluster component to model this stair that a new client, a Mr. MC Escher, has asked for.

Thanks in advance.


Chad Smith
2003-12-29, 03:39 AM
Phil, on your stairs you have a profile for the stringer.
How did you go about assigning that? Or is it a different object type that is being used as a stringer.

2003-12-29, 11:22 AM

Can this stair file be posted on AUGI. If not I would love a copy to study myself.

From All of Us to All of You.

This time of year brings out good cheer,
For the Holidays and New Year.

So let the festive spirit abound,
And enjoy those loved that are around.

Yet not forget those who cannot be,
Who's love in past brought us glee.

We wish you and your family all ,
The best of the Holidays about to call,

A New Years throughout of good health,
where deeds and love are measured wealth.

That strife and hunger of nations cease,
and all mankind enjoy a millennium of peace.

Good Luck and have fun with Revit. Also, let me wish you and your family a Happy Holiday and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. May all the Nations find Peace and all the People be free from Strife and Hunger.

2003-12-29, 08:51 PM
Yeah, this would be great to review. Please post revit project.



Phil Read
2003-12-30, 04:07 AM
Hi all -

The tread is a tread. Just chose the appropriate thickness/material. The structural underside is a bit of geometry created as a generic model - then loaded into a balluster family. Of course it could have been modeled in the baluster template. However, I tend to start families as Generic Models then change the object subcatagory. But since you can't change a component to a baluster subcatagory - I just nested the family.

After the intended underside of the tread was done - I simply loaded it as a baluster and associated it to one of the railings as such - selecting one baluster by tread for the 'baluster' - and then tweaking the height/offset.

Make sense? ;)
