View Full Version : Phases and filters.

2010-01-22, 10:29 AM

I got stuck on strange thing when excercising Revit Arch <-> Revit Structure communication.
I was checking three types of linking workflow.
1. project made in Arch is linked into another project created in Revit Arch - works fine.
2. project made in Structure is linked into another project created in Revit Structure - works fine too.
3. project made in Arch is linked into another project opened in Revit Structure (and vice versa) - no good.
Looks like in this type of linking host project has no access to linked project's phases' filters - something that works fine in both previous scenerios. As a result linked project ignores any filter changes I make in host project - everything is displayed the same way.
Did anybody tried to do this? What results did you have?


2010-01-25, 10:21 AM

Since thread has been viewed over 30 times, and there are no replies...
I am a bit stuck and and any input can be helpfull.
Nobody tried to use phases and filters this way? Than maybe you can share some thoughts on architect <-> constructor data exchange.
The core issues is: walk arounds for the elements that copy/monitor tools can help us with (simple example: beams).


2010-01-25, 04:58 PM
The default setting is for the link to follow the host's phasing.

If you go to the view visibility dialog for the view you are working in, has the default setting been overidden (custom) for the view??

If so, that might be the problem.

2010-01-25, 06:04 PM
It is important to remeber that in order for the Host View settings to work the Pahse names need to be Identical. 'Phase One' is not the same as 'Phase 1'. If the phase names are not coordinated and cannot be changed to match then you can use the 'Phase Mapping' Feature of the linked file to associate the phases correctly. Phase mapping is found in the Type Properties of the link itself.

Additionally you are viewing things differently between Architecture and Structure. If your views in Structure are not set to a Discipline of 'Coordination' you will not see the same information as you do in Architecture.


2010-01-26, 12:56 PM
andrewg: I checked all three types of settings. By host, by link and custom.
abarrette: Phases are mapped. But I am not sure if we took into consideration the state of the "discipline" settings... will look into it and let you know.

Thank you both for the input. If you come up with any other ideas - hit me! ;)
