View Full Version : Void problem

2010-01-26, 01:18 PM
Hello. I'm a beginner in using Revit Structure so bare with me. Here's my problem.
I made a family for a specific kind of panel that has foam in the middle and OSB panels on the sides. I used Generic Model template and it turned out pretty good. I want to have a void inside the panel which i can turn on or off (yes/no parameter). The problem is that i can't assign that parameter to the void. I used the same parameter(yes/no) for some solids and it works, but for the void it doesn't. If someoane has an ideea about this please reply or email me at marius.rizea@aeterna.ro


2010-01-26, 02:29 PM

The visibility of voids can´t be controlled by yes/no parameters.
However, it´s possible to "drive" the size (depth) of the void, so that when "No", the void don´t touch (and therefor don´t cut) the Solid.

You´ll need to
- Set up some ref. planes, which are controlled by labeled dimensions.
- The above labeled dimension ("Void Drive" parameter) with a formula like: if(Show Void, 0, 500)
- Yes/No parameter "Show Void"

The formula in the above example will place the ref. plane at 0 distance if "Show Void" is true, and at 500 if false.
Hopes that explaines it, otherwise try a searche in the families forum :beer:

2010-01-27, 10:03 AM
10x. That worked just fine. Hopefully i'll finish this family in time. Thanks once again.