View Full Version : Modify Area Tag

2010-01-27, 05:44 PM
Hi, we are trying to create our own area tag for fire and life safety information. Attached is the tag as far as we have been able to take it. We are hung up on how to properly create new labels in the family that will work in the project. The labels in this area tag family are not editable and don't even show up when loaded into the project.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

2010-02-09, 03:11 PM
You need to use Shared Parameters. You will need to created a shared parameter file and add the parmaters you would like to create. Then in your family and project add those parameters.

2010-02-24, 05:04 AM
I want to add ane more value in Area tag which reflects value in "yards".How to add this value .I want it on tag.not in schedule.
