View Full Version : Yes/No Default

2010-01-29, 03:56 AM
I need to set up a project parameter that is a yes/no and have it appear in a schedule, however I want it to be off by default. Is there a way to do this? The software seems to always default to yes.

Ning Zhou
2010-01-29, 06:21 AM
workaround as below, until someone or Autodesk have better solution?
create a project parameter A, add to schedule, create a calculated parameter B = not(A), hide A in schedule, then B will default to No in schedule.

2010-01-29, 02:11 PM
A good suggestion, but did not seem to work as expected.

When you apply a yes/ no to a schedule Revit applies a check mark to the box as the default but it is grayed out. In order to edit the field at all, you have to first select the field to activate it (un-gray), then you have to toggle the check mark. If I use the calculated value of (Not), I still have a two-click operation and the field still defaults to yes.

I may need to rethink my strategy here.

2010-01-29, 03:09 PM

Something important to be aware of: The default value is NOT yes. Its "Null." Thats why it shows more grayed out than a regular check box. Its reporting neither a yes nor a no, until someone edits it.

Heres how you can test this:

Make a calculated value (type: number) that says if(yesnoparam, 1, 2).

It wont report any value. Of course, Null isnt a definitive No, either. So anything you want to populate or calculate based on yesses or nos is inactive until someone fiddles with it.

BTW- Lunch. 1145. DO IT NOW. :)

2010-08-25, 04:37 PM
The default value is NOT yes. Its "Null." Thats why it shows more grayed out than a regular check box. Its reporting neither a yes nor a no, until someone edits it.

Great point, thank you!